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Unit 8Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8 Natural disastersNatural disasters Reading 1 PresentationPresentation a bomb 炸弹 in all directions 四面八方 come down 崩塌 坍塌 daylight 日光 dark 黑暗 shout 呼喊 heart 心脏 asleep 睡着的 bricks 砖块 slight shake loud fear bomb shake shook direction in all directions 1 adj 轻微的 2 n 摇动 震动 3 adj 响亮的 大声的 4 n 害怕 恐惧 5 n 炸弹 6 v 摇动 震动 过去式 7 n 方向 8 四面八方 New words and expressionsNew words and expressions while brick come down shaking silent silence not at all if nervous heart beat beat beating 9 conj 当 的时候 10 n 砖 砖块 11 崩塌 坍塌 12 n 摇动 晃动 13 adj 寂静的 名词 14 一点也不 15 conj 是否 16 adj 紧张不安的 17 n 心脏 18 vi vt 使 规律 作响 作节奏运动 过去式 现分 trapped mind calm calm down since still alive dark darkness 19 adj 困住的 20 n 头脑 21 vi vt 使 平静 使 镇定 22 冷静 23 conj 由于 既然 24 adv 仍然 25 adj 活着的 26 n 黑暗 名词 find one s way out shout at last finally in the end daylight safe safely dangerous asleep after 27 找到出路 28 n 呼喊 喊叫声 29 最后 终于 30 n 日光 31 adj 安全的 副词 反义词 32adj 睡着的 33 conj 在 以后 1在凌晨 in the early morning 2 起初 起先 at first 3感觉一阵轻微的震动 feel a slight shake 4 听到像打雷一样的嘈杂声 hear a loud noise like thunder 5 像地底下的炸弹 like bombs under the ground 6 开始震动 start to shake 7 害怕地尖叫 scream in fear 8 跑出大楼 run out of the building 9尽我的全力跑出去 try my best to run out 10竭尽全力做某事 try one s best to do sth 11四处奔跑 run in all directions 12玻璃碎片和砖块 pieces of glass and bricks 13掉下来 fall down 14 感到紧张 feel nervous 15快速的跳动 beat fast 16 被困住 be trapped 17 自言自语 say to oneself 18 一阵恐惧 a moment of fear 19 穿过我的脑海 go through my mind 20告诉我自己冷静下来 tell myself to calm down 21 仍然活着 be still alive 22 开始崩塌 begin to come down 23 大喊求救 shout for help 24在黑暗中慢慢地向前移动身体 pull myself slowly through the dark 25试着找到我的出路 try to find my way out 26 听到我上面的嘈杂声 hear some noise above me 27听到人们兴奋的喊声 hear shouts from the excited people 28 移开 move away 29 明亮的日光 bright daylight 30 安全 be safe 31 向一个方向跑 run in the same direction 1 shake 2 scream 3 come down 4 silent 5 at last 6 safe a finally b fall to the ground c give a loud high cry d not in danger e move quickly from side to side up and down etc f quiet Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right What happened on 12 Jan 2010 People were trapped People moved away the bricks A powerful 7 0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on 12 Jan 2010 More than 222 500 people died What is an earthquake An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another 1999年台湾9 21大地震 1999年9月21日凌晨1时47分 台湾省南 投县发生7 6级大地震 震源深度10公里 左右 重灾区在日月潭地区 该区有许 多活断层 开始是 双冬断层 发生活动 同时牵动相邻的车笼埔断层的大规模 滑动 导致断层沿岸的丰原 大境 务 峰 中兴新村 南投和名间 竹 川等市县村镇地区的灾难性破坏 大 部分地段已被夷为平地 整个灾区死亡2329人 伤8722人 失踪39人 倒塌各种建筑9909栋 严重破坏7575栋 受灾人口250万 灾民32万 财产损失92亿美元 Pieces of glass and bricks fell down The walls came down There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999 Timmy survived Read Timmy s story and find out what happened to him The Taiwan earthquake An earthquake 1 Timmy was asleep when the earthquake started 2 At first Timmy heard a loud noise like thunder 3 People ran in the same direction in the street True or false T F F 4 Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped 5 There was not enough space for Timmy to pull himself through 6 People found Timmy soon after he was trapped T F F At first When it was What he did What he heard How he felt About two o clock in the early morning He was sleeping He heard a loud noise like thunder He felt a slight shake Complete the table paragraph 1 ScanningScanning Complete the passage The real noise was like under the ground People ran Timmy tried his best to to the street Pieces of glass and bricks and then the walls began to too bombs in all directions run out were falling down come down paragraph 2 1 Timmy after the noise and shaking ended 2 He could see A screamed B calmed down B C ran wildly D cried A anything B someone around him B C nothing D the bright daylight B C paragraph 3 Choose the best answer Answer some questions 1 What did Timmy feel when he was trapped 2 Did he shout for help A moment of fear went through his mind Yes he shouted for help But no one came Paragraph 4 Match the sentences a Help Please help I m here b move away the bricks c the bright daylight d when I suddenly heard some noise above me e excited people Paragraph 5 1 I was trying to find my way out 2 I screamed 3 Then I heard shouts from 4 They quickly 5 At last I saw d a e b c Timmy put some pictures he drew on his web page Help Sandy write the correct caption in the blank under each picture Then put the pictures in the correct order on page 95 I saw the bright daylight I was trapped The walls came down I screamed for help Some people ran out of the building The earth started to shake I screamed for help Some people ran out of the building I saw the bright daylight The earth started to shake I was trapped The walls came down 256 143 What happened to Timmy in the earthquake Timmy is a teenager He lives in Taiwan He survived the 1 in 1999 He was sleeping when he heard a loud noise It was like the noise of 2 Then the noise became really loud It sounded like 3 under the ground thu
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