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Module 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。Justin Foster, a high school student, 1.(上个星期五晚上失踪了). Mrs Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend. But when Justin didnt 2.(出现)for lunch the next day, Mrs Foster told her husband 3.(去报警). Justins friends said that Justin went home after 4.(打棒球)with them. 5.(目击者) said that they saw Justin walking towards his home. His sister, Kelly, heard him 6.(播放) his favourite CD after he went to his room. People supposed that Justin 7.(已经被外星人带走了). Besides, some people there also said that they had seen aliens. One of them, Mrs Mavis Wood, said that the aliens took her away so that they could 8.(对她进行科学研究). They were looking into other possibilities. Moreover, they claimed that they would not 9.(放弃) until they found 10.(确凿的证据).答案1.went missing last Friday night2.show up3.to call the police4.playing baseball5.Witnesses6.put on/play7.had been taken away by aliens8.do scientific research on her9.give up10.hard evidence单元话题写作请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Today Id like to talk about a great film I recently saw called The Time Machine. It really made a deep impression on me.The film is about a young inventor called Dr. Alexander who spends four years of his life building a time travelling machine so he can go back in time and save his murdered sweetheart, Emma.That film really fired my imagination and made me think about where I would go if I could travel back through time. At first I thought I would travel to the time of the dinosaurs to see the T-Rex and all those other huge and savage beasts. But perhaps that would be a little dangerous. I didnt just want to go back in time; I wanted to return safely too. Then I thought about a really great moment in history that I would love to experience. The time Id like to travel to was 1936 and the place Id like to go to was Germany. Id love to be a part of the audience at the Berlin Olympics held that year and see the great American athlete Jesse Owens win four gold medals in front of the evil German leader Adolf Hitler. That was one of the greatest ever sporting performances and it was even more important because it showed the world how wrong Hitlers ideas were. Then I would try to meet Mr Owens and tell him how famous he would become in the future. Maybe I could even have a photo taken with him as proof.写作内容1.用约30个词概括这段短文的内容。2.用约120个词就“时间穿梭”的话题进行写作,内容包括:(1)如果能够回到过去,你最想回到的时代(或时段)及地点;(2)描述你回到过去后最想做的事情;(3)说明你最想做的那件事情的意义。写作要求1.作文中可以使用自己亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。写作导写1.确定文体和时态这是一篇就“时间穿梭”的话题写作的记叙文,主要是陈述自己对回到过去的想象,所以可使用虚拟语气。2.根据写作内容的提示,应注意以下几个方面:(1)概括应包括以下要点(关键词:介绍影片、想象穿梭):The author the film The Time Machine.(影片内容可以不提及)The author where he would go if he could travel time.(2)写作的内容应该包括:你最想回到的时代(或时段)及地点:1949 年 10月1日的北京天安门广场。(I go to Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Oct. 1st, 1949.)你回到该时段的意义:见证中华人民共和国建立的历史时刻。(It would be exciting to witness when the Peoples Republic of China was .)3.可能用到的词汇:(1)时间机器(2)天安门广场(3)见证这一历史时刻(4)革命先驱(5)拍照片(6)告诉某人某事4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分三段。第一段,简单介绍影片内容。(The author introduces the film The Time Machine, in which the hero a time machine.)第二段,阅读此文后的联想:指出自己将前往何处。(After reading about this film introduction, I imagined I would go if I could through time.)第三段,结尾:指出回来后自己将做什么。(I would those photos to the people I know, them about the hardship in the past.)5.范文填空The author introduces the film The Time Machine, in which the hero invents a time travelling machine. He also imagines where he would go (1)(如果他能够穿越时间).After reading about this film introduction, I imagined where I would go if I could travel through time. Personally, I would go to Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Oct. 1st, 1949.It would be exciting to witness the historic moment (2) (在中华人民共和国建立时). (3)(如果我足够幸运有此机会),I would interview Chairman Mao and other revolutionary pioneers, telling them how brilliant they were and (4)(为他们给我们带来的新生活,向他们表达感激之情).I would also take photos to record how people lived at that time. After I returned, (5)(我会把那些照片给我的朋友看),telling them about the hardship in the past so that they would cherish what they possess now and be more positive.答案2.(1)introducesimagines;through (2)wouldthe historic moment;founded3.(1)time machine(2)Tiananmen Square(3)witness the historic moment(4)revolutionary pioneers(5)take photos(6)tell sb. about sth.4.invents;travelling;where;travel;show;telling5.(l)if he could travel through time(2)when the Peoples Republic of China was founded(3)If I were lucky enough to have the opportunity(4)showing them our gratitude for the new life they brought us(5)I would show those photos to my friends教师备用话题微写作根据下面的素材,用本单元所学词汇和句式结构翻译下列句子。1.人们对有些无法解释的现象感到困惑,其中的一个例子就是雪人存在的可能性。People feel puzzled about some unexplained phenomena, one example of whic
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