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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 内容索引 达标检测 语法导学 Period Three Grammar The Attributive Clause where when why prep which whom 语法导学 语法感知 课文原句感知 1 The time I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life 2 It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer I went for advice 3 He was generous with his time I was grateful 4 The school I studied for only two years was three kilometres away when to whom for which where 5 However this was a time one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg 6 The day Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest 7 until today we have reached a stage we have almost no rights at all 8 The parts of town they had to live were decided by white people when when where in which 9 The places outside the towns they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Africa 10 we were put into a position we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government where in which 语法精析 1 关系副词when where why在定语从句中分别作时间 地点和 原因状语 比较以下三组句子 We will never forget the days when we stayed at that beautiful countryside 我们永远不会忘记在那个美丽乡村待过的那些日子 I still remember the day that I spent in Beijing 我仍然记得在北京度过的那一天 The place where they will go is their hometown 他们要去的地方是他们的故乡 This is the house that I bought two years ago 这是我两年前买的房子 The reason why he was late is that his bike was broken 他迟到的原因是他的自行车坏了 The reason that he gave us is not reasonable 他给我们的理由不合理 2 介词 which whom 引导的定语从句 介词 关系代词 引导的定语从句中 关系代词只能用which或 whom 修饰物时用which 修饰人时用whom 在这个结构中 介词的 确定原则是 1 依据定语从句中动词或形容词等所需要的某种习惯搭配来确定 Yesterday we visited the West Lake for which Hangzhou is famous 昨天我们参观了西湖 杭州因其而出名 2 依据与先行词搭配的具体意义而定 I ll never forget the time during which I spent my childhood in the country 我永远不会忘记我在乡村度过的童年时光 3 根据所表达的意思来确定 The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen 这种无色的 离了它我们就无法生存的气体是氧气 4 表示 所有 关系或 整体中的一部分 时 通常用介词of The old woman has two sons both of whom are doctors 这位老太太有两个儿子 他们都是医生 注意 1 有些 动词 介词 短语如look for look after call on 等 如果介词提前将会失去动词短语的意义 所以不可把介词置于关系 代词前 Is this the book which she is looking for 这就是她在找的那本书吗 The babies whom the nurses are looking after are healthy 护士们照看的婴儿都很健康 2 介词 which whom 既可引导限制性定语从句 也可引导非 限制性定语从句 That was the way in which she looked after us 那就是她照料我们的方式 He has two daughters one of whom works as a nurse 他有两个女儿 其中一个是护士 高考链接 单句语法填空 1 The ring was spread over the garden it remained until the carrot s leafy top accidentally sprouted 生长 through it 2017 浙江 2 But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid 1980s I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas 2016 全国 3 We will put off the picnic in the park until next week the weather may be better 2016 天津 where when when 4 Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears none of has been proved 2016 浙江 5 Many young people most of were well educated headed for remote regions to chase their dreams 2016 江苏 6 Opposite is St Paul s Church you can hear some lovely music 2015 北京 7 Creating an atmosphere in employees feel part of a team is a big challenge 2015 浙江 which whom where which 8 The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere his employees enjoy their work 2015 天津 9 As the smallest child of his family Alex is always longing for the time he should be able to be independent 2015 陕西 10 Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon school education depends 2015 安徽 where when which 达标检测 单句语法填空 1 This is the theatre we ll visit a well known pianist 2 I still remember the night she left the house 3 The reason he was absent is that he was ill 4 The scientist about we are talking has gone abroad 5 The ice on you skate must be very hard where when why whom which 单句改错 每小题仅有1处错误 6 The town around where I will show you is very beautiful 7 I can t believe the reason why she explained to me 或I can t believe the reason why she explained to me 8 Have you visited the park where was named after a hero 9 I went to visit the farm in which my father once worked 10 The young girl with whom her parents are proud is very helpful which that which which that on of 语法填空 2017 山东平阴一中高一上月考 In my opinion we should try our best 11 realize our goals even though there is little hope The efforts seem to be the lights in the darkness 12 lead the way to hope and success to realize leading I used to be 13 shy girl in my primary school I was weak in English at that time especially for 14 speak English So I was afraid to answer the teacher s questions during English classes After I 15 enter my dream middle school something changed I started to read many 16 interest English stories and my English teacher was patient to help me a lot I studied hard in class and practiced it 17 watching English films and listening to English songs in my free time a spoken entered interesting by Little by little I found 18 more and more interesting to learn English I could even talk with my classmates 19 free in English and I was not shy any more At last I got high grades
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