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Unit 1 School life School doesn t have to be a prison If you find school life difficult you can learn to make it easier Here are some tips 提示 to help you Try a team sport Some schools offer team sports that allow you to make friends with your fellow students Soccer basketball and football can all make school have a little more fun So you can choose one of them to take up 话题导入 Stay organized One of the most stressful parts of school can be making sure you have everything you re supposed to have Where s your English homework Is your pencil sharp The less you have to worry about these little things the more you ll be able to focus and enjoy school Take it easy on your teachers Teachers are like students some are great some are less than great But teachers are in charge of the classroom So even if you re feeling frustrated 沮丧的 or bored in class you should be nice to your teachers Try to find kids you can talk to and play with Ask for help if you are having trouble with your homework As a result they will possibly be friendly back to you Ask for help at school by joining an after class study group if your school has one Ask your teacher if you can stay 10 15 minutes after school to ask a few questions about your homework if you re embarrassed 尴尬的 to ask during class It s always better to ask 根据上文完成下列各题 1 What s this passage mainly about 2 How many tips does this passage offer Some tips on how to make school life easier Four 基础自测 内容索引 要点探究 达标检测 课文预读 Period One Welcome to the unit Reading 基础自测 重点单词 1 adj 有乐趣的 令人愉快的 vt 喜欢 享受 的乐趣 2 n vt 经历 体验 3 vt 获得 赚 挣得 4 n vt 尊敬 敬重 5 vt 致力于 献身 6 n 文学 enjoyable enjoy experience earn respect devote literature 7 adj 一般的 普通的 平均的 8 n 难事 斗争 努力 vi 奋斗 努力 挣扎 9 adj 具有挑战性的 10 n 鼓励 vt 鼓励 11 adj 额外的 外加的 12 adj 喜爱的 喜欢的 average struggle challenging encouragement encourage extra fond 13 n 满意 vt 使 满意 adj 满意的 adj 令人满意的 14 adj 学业的 学术的 15 n vt 交换 交流 satisfaction satisfy satisfied satisfying academic exchange 1 对 满意 2 比平常 3 献身于 致力于 专心于 4 听起来像 5 免费 6 喜爱 喜欢 7 回忆 回顾 8 满意地 重点短语 be happy satisfied with than usual devote oneself to sound like for free be fond of look back on with satisfaction 重点句式 1 动名词短语作主语 was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me 在英国上了一年的高中对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历 2 It is was n for sb to do sth We also had different students in some classes so all the faces and names 上某些课的时候 班上的同学也不一样 所以对我来说记住所有人的面 孔和名字可是一件难事 Going to a British high school for one year it was a struggle for me to remember 3 not so as adj adv as what引导宾语从句 I found that the homework was in my old school 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我在原来学校时那么繁重 4 not until 直到 才 I schools in the UK are so different from schools in China I read your article 直到读了你的文章我才意识到英国学校与中国学校是多么的不一样 not as heavy as what I used to get did not realize until 课文预读 根据课文内容判断正 T 误 F 1 Wei Hua s favourite teacher was Mr Heywood 2 Most British classes have fewer than thirty students 3 Wei Hua had more homework in her school in China 4 It was very expensive for Wei Hua to communicate with her parents 5 In the UK students can choose to stop studying any subject 6 The cake made by Wei Hua did not taste good F T T F F 答案 F 1 Wei Hua found her homework difficult because A she disliked doing it in English B her homework was too much C she couldn t understand her teachers D her homework should be done in English 课文阅读理解 答案 12345 2 Which of the following words can best describe the writer s school life in the UK A Quite easy B Interesting C Boring D Fruitful 有益的 答案 12345 3 Wei Hua stayed in Britain for A half a year B one year C two years D less than one year 答案 12345 4 The best way to earn respect from the school is according to the headmaster A getting on well with classmates B helping others with study C working hard and achieving high grades D keeping quiet in class 答案 12345 5 Students at that school have to study all the subjects EXCEPT A Art B Maths C English D Science 答案 12345 课文阅读填空 Theme Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting 1 for Wei Hua Detailed information School hours Wei Hua was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a m and ends about 3 30 p m experience Detailed information First day at school All of the new students went to attend an 2 during which the headmaster told them that the best way of 3 respect was to study hard and 4 high grades assembly earning achieve Detailed information Teachers and classes Wei Hua had many teachers and each of them taught one subject Her 5 teacher was Miss Burke who taught them English Literature It was not 6 for her to remember all the faces and names of the students because they moved to different classrooms for different classes favourite easy Detailed information Homework and subjects The homework was not so heavy but it was a bit 7 for her at first because all the homework was in English Her English improved a lot during the past year Students at that school can 8 studying some subjects if they don t like them but Wei Hua enjoyed all her subjects 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