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Unit1 Great scientists gravity Isaac Newton The Theory of Relativity Albert EinsteinJane Goodall chimps John Snow cholera Stephen Hawking radium Madame Curie Hybrid rice Black hole About Copernicus pDo you know what is the center of the solar system pWhat do you know about Copernicus Lead in Copernicus He was one of the first scientists to use mathematical observations to collect information He believed the sun is the center of the universe and the earth and other planets goes around it born in Poland in 1473 died May 24 1543 Sun earth Before Copernicus theory Showing Copernicus theory Sun earth earth Sun Task1 Read the passage quickly and match the main idea Para 1 A Copernicus new theory that the sun was the centre could explain all the phenomena Para 2 B Copernicus theory is the basis of modern science about the universe Para 3 C Copernicus was puzzled as he found the earth was not the centre of the solar system Para 4 D New observation didn t agree with the old theory about the earth Para 5 E Copernicus improved his theory by collecting observations and using his mathematical knowledge C D E A B Task 2 Draw the two theories of the universe with the following pictures Before Copernicus theory Copernicus theory 1 made the earth 2 was the center of the solar system 1 is the center of the solar system and the planets go around it except the 2 The earth is as it goes round the sun God The earth The sun moon spinning Task 3 Answer the following questions 1 Why could he not tell about his theory 2 What was his theory about 3 What had the astronomers noticed in the sky 4 When did Copernicus complete his theory 5 How did he explain changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars When did he publish his idea 6 Why do people think that there is a direct link between his ideas and the work of Isaac Newton Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking 1 Why could not he tell anyone about his theory Para 1 Because the powerful Christian Church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea 2 What was his theory about Para 1 All his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion that the earth was not the centre of the solar system Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense 3 What had the astronomers noticed in the sky Para 2 They had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop move backward and then go forward in a loop Others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others 4 When did Copernicus complete his theory Para 3 Between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete 5 How did he explain changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars When did he publish his idea Para 4 He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth He also suggested that the earth was spinning as it went round it and this explain changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars He published it as he lay dying in 1543 6 Why do people think that there is a direct link between his ideas and the work of Isaac Newton Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking Because his theory is now the base on which all our ideas of the universe are built His theory replaced the Christian idea of gravity which said things fell to earth because God created the earth as the centre of the universe He showed this was obviously wrong p完成日日清 Homework
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