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1 Section Integrating Skills 2 自主预习晨读晚诵合作学习 6 to add dirty or harmful substances to land air water etc so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use 7 to use the same ideas methods jokes etc again 8 of or near a coast 9 worried about something 10 the facts signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true 一二三 一 根据释义写出英语单词 1 the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth 2 connected with chemistry 3 the physical conditions that sb sth exists in 4 waste thrown away 5 to become or make sth become liquid as a result of heating atmosphere chemical environment garbage melt pollute recycle coastal concerned evidence 3 自主预习晨读晚诵合作学习 一二三 major complain scary absolutely 11 very large or important 12 to say that you are annoyed not satisfied or unhappy about sth sb 13 frightening 14 used to emphasize that sth is completely true 4 自主预习晨读晚诵合作学习 一二三 二 短语翻译 1 have a bad effect on 2 change from to 3 take in 4 give out 5 take away 6 简言之 概括地讲 7 浏览 8 如果可能的话 9 让某人做某事 对 有坏的影响 从 变成 吸收 放出 发出 拿走 带走 in a nutshell look through if possible get sb to do sth 5 自主预习晨读晚诵合作学习 一二三 三 阅读课文The Green Movement 回答下列问题 1 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage A All the countries in the world look after the environment well B European countries usually work hard to improve the environment C In Germany people put different garbage into different bags 2 The Green movement aims at A improving the living conditions B putting different garbage into different bags C getting governments to think seriously about the environment and look after it 答案 A 答案 C 6 自主预习晨读晚诵合作学习 一二三 3 How did the Green movement deal with the industry A By warning them not to produce pollution B By getting people to put different garbage into different bags C By collecting information and telling it to the public 答案 C 7 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 to have a bad effect on someone or something 对某人或某物有坏的影响 考点 have a bad effect on 对 有坏的影响 Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body 含酒精的饮料会对你的身体有很坏的影响 8 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 体会effect的相关短语及含义 The new train timetable will come into effect next month 新的火车时刻表下个月开始生效 短语 come into effect 含义 开始生效 Some old laws are still in effect 有些旧的法律现在仍然有效 短语 in effect 含义 有效 The medicine took effect two hours ago 药两小时前就起作用了 短语 take effect 含义 起作用 The new system will soon be put into effect 新系统即将启用 短语 put into effect 含义 实行 使生效 9 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 have a bad effect on 对 有坏的影响 come into effect 开始生效 in effect 有效 take effect 起作用 put into effect 实行 使生效 10 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 11 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen 树木吸收二氧化碳 放出氧气 考点一 take in吸收 Fish take in oxygen through their gills 鱼用鳃吸取氧气 12 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 体会take in的含义 It took me a long time to take in what you said 我花了很长时间才理解你说的话 含义 理解 Thankfully the farmer took in the lost traveller 谢天谢地 那个农民收留了迷路的游客 含义 收容 接纳 She was not easily taken in 她不容易受骗 含义 欺骗 13 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 考点二 give out 放出 发出 The sun gives out light and heat to the earth 太阳给大地以光和热 考点延伸 1 阅读下列句子 体会give out的含义 Please help me give out these test papers 请帮我分发这些试卷 含义 分发 Our food supplies began to give out 我们存的粮食要吃完了 含义 用完 消耗尽 The date of the examination will be given out soon 考试的日期将很快公布 含义 发布 公布 14 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 2 阅读下列句子 体会give的相关短语及含义 Don t give away our secret 不要泄露我们的秘密 短语 give away 含义 泄露 Living in the country has given me back my health 居住在乡村使我恢复了健康 短语 give back 含义 恢复 You ought to give up drinking I gave it up last year 你应该戒酒 我去年就戒掉了 短语 give up 含义 放弃 戒掉 We will carry on fighting to the end We will never give in to difficulties 我们将战斗到底 永不向困难妥协 短语 give in to 含义 屈服 投降 15 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 3 Teenagers tend to be taken in easily 4 My money was beginning to give out 5 Some students were giving out leaflets on the street 6 The news of the singer s coming to the concert was given out on the radio 7 The flowers in the garden give out sweet smell 16 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 语法填空 8 OK I ve had enough of it I give You can t run away from your responsibilities 9 They argued back and forth until finally Tom gave 10 Why didn t you give Robert s e dictionary yesterday I forgot to bring it here but I mean to return it to him tomorrow 答案 1 收留 2 理解 3 欺骗 4 用尽 5 分发 6 发布 7 释放 8 up 9 in 10 back 17 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123 The garbage is then taken away and if possible recycled 这些垃圾然后被运走 如果可能的话将会进行回收利用 考点 if possible是if it is possible的省略 If possible let me know beforehand 如果可能 事先通知我 考点延伸 状语从句的省略 1 在when while if as if though although as once whether unless等 连词引导的状语从句中 常省略与主句相同的主语和be动词 2 when if where wherever whenever as soon as than等 possible necessary等时 中间省略了it is was 18 合作学习晨读晚诵自主预习 123
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