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P4 Grammar Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Objectives 1 To review the present tenses 2 2 To learn to use the adjectives ending in ing and ed Grammar 1 1 I am reading about the ancient pyramids in Egypt 2 She sings with the band Crazy Feet 3 I am thinking about starting it again 4 He is a lively and clever boy and he finds himself in many exciting adventures Are you familiar with these sentences They are all from the books we ve learnt 5 I live in Shijiazhuang a city not far from Beijing 6 We re using a new textbook 7 The teachers write on the computer and their words appear on the screen behind them 8 I m writing down my thoughts about it 9 The English class is really interesting 10 Today is my first day at Senior High school to test your sense of observation to test your ability of short term memory to test your ability to highlight the language points Guess 1 I about the ancient pyramids in Egypt 2 She with the band Crazy Feet 3 I starting it again 4 He a lively and clever boy and he himself in many exciting adventures 5 I in Shijiazhuang a city not far from Beijing am reading sings am thinking about is finds live go Ready 6 We a new textbook 7 The teachers on the computer and their words on the screen behind them 8 I my thoughts about it 9 The English class really interesting 10 Today my first day at Senior High school are using write appear am writing down is is 1 一般现在时的句型结构 肯定句 主语 am is are 表语 主语 实义动词 其它 否定句 主语 am is are not 表语 主语 don t doesn t 实义 动词 原形 其它 疑问句 Am Is Are 主语 表语 Do Does 主语 实义动词原形 其它 2 一般现在时的用法 The earth goes around the sun 地球绕着太阳转 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 Tomorrow is Monday 明天星期一 1 表示不随时间的变化而变化的事实 真理 格言 警句等 Class begins at eight every morning 每天早晨八点钟开始上课 He always works at night 他经常在晚上工作 2 表示目前 现在经常发生的动作 习 惯 或存在的状态 常与下列表示次数 的频率副词连用 often usually always sometimes seldom every day week year night once a week等 3 表示 预定 或是 安排好 要发生的 不会轻易改变的未来动作 事情 常 用于此类用法的动词有 come go move stop leave arrive be finish continue start begin等 The plane arrives at 8 o clock 飞机八点到 School begins on March 5 三月五日开学 4 用于戏剧 电影等的剧本解说 体 育比赛及其他活动现场解说或图片 的说明等 He passes the ball to John 他把球传给约翰 There are five people in the picture 在这幅画中有五个人 5 在表时间和条件的状语从句中 用 一般现在时代替将来时 We will have an exam when we finish the textbook 我们学完课本后将会进行一次测试 I will tell him that as soon as I see him 我一见到他就会告诉他那件事 We have to wait here before he comes 在他回来前 我们不得不等 常见引导时间状语从句的词汇有 when while whenever before after till until by the time as soon as 常见引导条件状语从句的词汇有 if unless as long as so long as in case that provided that 1 现在进行时的基本结构 肯定句 主语 am is are 现在分词 否定句 主语 am is are not 现 在分词 疑问句 Am Is Are 主语 现在分 词 2 现在进行时的用法 Look The big bird is flying away 看 那只大鸟正在飞走 He is watching a movie now 他现在正在看电影 1 表示说话时正在进行的 目前正在发生 的动作 此种用法时 常带有表示目前时 刻的时间副词 如 now at the very moment for the time being at present 及 Look Listen 等词汇 Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning 我现在正通过远程教育学习汉语 2 表示目前一段时间内正在进行 但 说话时可能没有进行的动作 You are always changing your mind 你总是主意不定 太烦人了 He is always helping others 他总是帮助别人 他真是个好人 3 与 always constantly forever all the time等副词连用 表示动作反复或习惯 此时句子常含有说话者的强烈情感在 内 表达较强的 责备 或 表扬 之意 He is leaving on Wednesday 他将于周四离开 They are going to Canada next week 他们将下周去加拿大 4 see return leave start visit go come fly stay等动词可以用进行时表 将来 1 Do you like the material Yes it very soft A is feeling B felt C feels D is felt 2 I ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida I my mum A am taking B have taken C take D will have taken 3 When will you come to see me Dad I will go to see you when you the training course A will have finished B will finish B are finishing D finish 4 He always notes carefully while he is listening to the teacher in class A will take B took C takes D is taking 5 I m sorry I can t go I a report A write B am writing C wrote D was writing 6 What s the terrible noise The neighbors for a party A have prepared B are preparing C prepare D will prepare Grammar 2 1 Bath in the southwest of England is 2 a very beautiful and interesting city 3 2 Everyone is surprised to see him but 4 they re also pleased to see him alive 3 Look at this amazing sculpture Are you familiar with these sentences They are all from the books we ve learnt 4 The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing 5 The English class is really interesting 6 I don t think I will be bored in Ms Shen s class 7 Some students were embarrassed at first to test your sense of observation to test your ability of short term memory to test your ability to highlight the language points Guess go 1 Bath in the southwest of England is 2 a very beautiful and city 3 2 Everyone is to see him but 4 they re also to see him alive 5 3 Look at this sculpture interesting surprised amazing pleased Ready 4 The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are 5 The English class is really 6 I don t think I will be in Ms Shen s class 7 Some students were at first amazing interesting bored embarrassed 以 ing和 ed结尾的形容词 常用来表 示 特征 和 状态 ing 结尾的 形容词 主要用于说明事物 表示事物 的性质或特征 若用它们说明人 则
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