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第第 高二年级 单词学案姓名 班级 学号 命题人:赵迎红 校对人:贾咏燕必修六Unit5 The power of nature 1.appoint vt. They appointed him( as /to be) captain of the English team.She has been appointed to the committee. A lawyer was appointed to represent the child. We will appoint a date for the examination.n._make / have an appointment with sb. keep/ break an appointment The _(appoint) time was 10:30. 2. wave v. & n.The people on the bus waved and we waved back.My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye. / as I waved goodbye to her.The flag waved in the wind. She waved her hair yesterday. n. The wind made little waves on the pond.He gave us a wave as she drove off. radio waves 3. suit v. & n. a black suit Choose a computer to suit your particular needs. Blue suits you ; you should wear it more often.If we met at 2, would that suit you? She had the ability to suit her performance to the audience.【辨中学】suit; match; fit If you want to go by bus, that will _ me fine. The trousers dont _ him; they are too small. His white shirt _ his black trousers well.【思维拓展】This program is not _(suit) for children.4. shoot v. _(pt.); _(pp.) The new soldier shot at the target, but missed it again. He shot the bird with his gun. A man was shot in the leg. The movie was shot in black and white.5. guarantee v. & n. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.We can not guarantee that our flights will never be delayed.We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. The ticket will guarantee you free entry. n.He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.The fridge bought yesterday has 5 years guarantee. 6. absolute adj. _(adv.)She said that she was right with absolute certainty. Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard. - Do you agree? -Oh, _(完全/当然同意). 【思维拓展】immediate_ (adv.) desperate_(adv.) extreme _ (adv.)true_ (adv.) gentle_(adv.) terrible _ (adv.) simple _(adv.)7. potential adj. & n. Every seed is a potential plant.All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential. 8. actual adj. adv: _I can not give the actual figures.The food was not _ all that expensive.9. anxious adjParents are naturally anxious for/about their childrens safety.She was anxious to finish school and get a job.She was anxious that he should meet her father.The peoples _(anxious) for the war to end is getting stronger and stronger.10. panic n. & v.They were in a state of panic. There is no point getting into a panic about the exams. Office workers fled in panic as the fire alarm rang. v. panic _ (pt.) _(pp.) picnic _(pt.),_(pp.)The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.11. burn_/_The building was burnt to the ground last night. The room grew colder as the fire burned down. The big fire burned down the whole building.In the accident, two of the worker were burned to death. The soup was so hot that it burned my mouth 12. wayWe lost our way in the dark.Will you be able to make your own way to the airport?The fog was so thick that I had to feel my way to my office.It was Market Day, so the farmers with their produce forced/ pushed their way through the street.The soldiers finally fought their way out of a heavy encirclement.(重围)你还知道什么类似短语_13. vary from -to The weather varies from day to day.The heights of the plants vary from 8cm to 20 cm. adj._ n._14. glance throughI was so busy this morning I could only glance _ the newspaperWill you be able to glance _ my report before I send it to the committee?Emily glanced _her shoulder.She glanced shyly _ him and then lowered her eyes.He _ a glance at the newspaper headlines _first glance, the place seemed deserted. 课题一 点击动词 1.【归纳总结】appoint 含义有 任命;委派;约定,指定;appoint sb. (to be/ as )- to a place; appoint sb. to do sth. ; appoint a time/ place for 【即学即练】1.Who shall we appoint as chairman?2.I will have an appointment with my friend. 【思维拓展】 appointed2.【归纳总结】wave作动词含义有1. 挥手(表示) 2. 飘动,起伏3. 呈波形wave 作名词含义有1. 波浪,波涛 2. 挥手 3. 波 【即学即练】 We waved good bye. 3.【归纳总结】suit作动词含义及用法是 1.适合 2.对-方便 3. 使适宜 【辨中学】 1. suit 2. fit 3. matches 4.【归纳总结】shoot作动词含义有1. 射击2. 射中,射伤3. 拍摄【即学即练】The police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.Two guys
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