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合作探究自主预习 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 合作探究自主预习 Section Warming Up Pre reading Reading 逐渐消失 2 和平地 和睦地 安详地 3 在危险中 垂危 4 如释重负 松了口气 5 保护 不受 危害 6 注意 7 损害 危害 die out in peace in danger of in relief protect from pay attention to do harm to 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 三 阅读HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE 回 答下列问题 1 What helped Daisy to go to see some endangered wildlife A A big bird B A flying carpet C An endangered animal D An old man 答案 B 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 2 Why were a lot of antelopes being killed A Because the wool beneath their stomachs was too thick B Because people didn t like the wool beneath their stomachs C Because people wanted the wool beneath their stomachs D Because they were suffering from a serious illness 3 How many places did the carpet take Daisy to besides her home A One B Two C Three D Four 答案 C 答案 C 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 4 Where did Daisy find an elephant A In Tibet B In Zimbabwe C In a forest D In her hometown 5 What did Daisy think of the experience A She thought it s great B She thought it s tiring C She thought it s disappointing D She thought it s meaningless 答案 B 答案 A 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 四 阅读HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE 判 断正 T 误 F 1 Daisy saw many monkeys in Tibet 2 Daisy travelled by a flying carpet 3 The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe F T F 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 五 根据课文内容填空 Daisy had always longed 1 help endangered wild animals One day the flying carpet took Daisy to several places First she arrived in Tibet 2 she saw an antelope It told her that antelopes were hunted by people for the wool beneath their stomachs 3 make sweaters As a result they were 4 endangered species Then she travelled to Zimbabwe There an elephant which used to be an endangered species 5 tell her that their numbers were 6 increase with the help of the government At last she got to a thick rainforest A monkey was rubbing an insect over its body to protect 7 it from mosquitoes The monkey asked her to pay more attention 8 the rainforest where they lived Daisy was 9 amaze to help where to make an told increasing itself to amazed 合作探究自主预习 一二三四五 She decided to go home in a hurry and tell WWF to produce the new drug But after she got home it was not long 10 everything including the monkey disappeared From this experience Daisy learned the importance of wildlife protection before 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 1 As a result these endangered animals may even die out 结果 这些濒危的动物甚至可能会消亡 剖析 过去分词endangered在句中做定语 意为 濒危的 We should do what we can to help those endangered birds 我们应该尽我们所能来帮助那些濒临灭绝的鸟类 The panda is an endangered species 大熊猫是濒危物种 考点die out灭亡 逐渐消失 The moth s habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out 这种蛾子因栖息地正受到破坏 几乎绝种了 That old custom died out many years ago 那种古老的风俗多年前就消失了 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 活学活用 语法填空 1 A great number of students question said they were forced to practise the piano 2 After completing and signing it please return the form to us in the envelope provide 3 The disease has completely died in this country 翻译句子 4 Many old customs are gradually dying out questioned provided out 答案 许多旧的习俗正在日渐消失 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 2 about 30 40 remain after being left in peace with no hunting 在禁止捕猎 华南虎 之后大约还有30到40只存活 剖析after是介词 后接动词 ing形式做宾语 如 After finishing the work they left the office 完成工作之后他们就离开了办公室 考点in peace和平地 和睦地 安详地 The villagers live together in peace 村民们和睦相处 I told him to go away and leave me in peace 我叫他走开 别来打扰我 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 peace的派生词 peaceful adj 和平的 peacefully adv 和平地 at peace处于和平状态 反义短语 at war在交战 在打仗 keep the peace维护和平 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 活学活用 语法填空 1 The banker was found in a remote village after leave his office last Thursday 2 The family had lived peace before but the terrible traffic accident destroyed everything 3 We had a peace afternoon without the children 4 He was sent to hospital after injure in the accident 单句改错 5 Thus Europe was in the peace for the first time in ten years leaving peacefully peaceful being injured 答案 去掉第一个the 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 3 Why are they in danger of disappearing 为什么它们面临灭绝的危险 考点in danger of 在危险中 垂危 高考典句 2015 四川高考 But robins are in danger of wearing themselves out by singing too much 然而知更鸟现在正面临危险 它们因过多地高歌而使健康受损 The doctor is trying his best to save the old man in danger 医生正在全力抢救这位生命垂危的老人 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 注意in danger和dangerous的不同用法 His life was in danger 他有生命危险 That tiger is dangerous Keep away from it 那只老虎很危险 别靠近它 归纳 in danger的含义是 垂危 有生命危险 dangerous 的含义是 危 险的 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 活学活用 选词填空 dangerous in danger 1 Wolves are very so children are if they get close to them 2 The tiger once a animal to humans is now of disappearing on the earth 语法填空 3 He is in danger of lose his job 4 It is danger for women to walk alone at night dangerous in danger dangerous in danger losing dangerous 合作探究自主预习 1234567891011 4 In relief Daisy burst into laughter 戴茜如释重负 突然笑了起来 考点一in relief 如释重负 松了口气 Seeing her lost son the mother was in relief 见到失踪的儿子 这位妈妈如释重负 When the headmaster walked out of the classroom the students were in relief 当校长走出教室时 学生们松了口气 含有relief的常用短语 to one s relief使某人感到
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