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Period Two Learning about Language 重点短语 用所给短语的适当形式填空 be bound to make no objection to disagree with make up one s mind look back on 1 It can be fun to what you did in school 2 Initially I his proposal but later I changed my mind 3 Keep on working hard like this and your research obtain great success 4 We their doing this 5 He never to touch a drop of drink 答案 1 look back on 2 disagreed with 3 is bound to 4 made no objection to 5 made up his mind 完成句子 1 I we have made such a great breakthrough 幸亏有你我们才取得这么大的突破 2 I don t want my problems at the moment 此刻我不想让他为我的事操心 3 You ve done so much work that you 你下了这么大的工夫 你一定会通过这次考 试的 4 He his position as the manager of the company owing to his bad health 由于身体不好 他已经从公司经理的职位上 退了下来 5 The fact makes me feel good 他完全康复使我们心情良好 答案 1 owe it to you that 2 to bother him with 3 are bound to pass the exam 4 has retired from 5 that he has fully recovered 单句语法填空 1 He s put aside a great deal of money for his retire 2 short afterwards the police stopped the car and both men were arrested 3 The weather is bound get better at the Spring Festival 4 When asked about his success in the TV interview he owed it his family 5 I don t want to put him any bother so I try doing it by myself Does bother you that the man is always asking to lend him money You needn t bother coming up I ll look after him 6 What you did wasn t illegal but it was moral wrong 答案 1 retirement 2 Shortly 3 to get 4 to 5 to it with about 6 morally 单句语法填空 I owe to you that I finished my work on time We owe a great deal our parents 答案 it to 单句语法填空 Sorry I m too busy bother about fixing it now Tom a really naughty boy is bother to his teacher 答案 to bother a
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