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第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 3 Unit 1 收获获 收割 祖先 祖宗 节节日 盛宴 遍及全世界的 世界性的 汽车车等 停放 淹没 溺死 淹死 擦 揩 擦去 哭泣 流泪 哭 哭泣 美 美人 衣服 belief gather award custom obvious gain forgive trick fool remindreminder arrivalarrive independenceindependent permissionpermit apologizeapology originoriginal starvestarvation celebrationcelebrate energetic energy sadness sad sadly agricultureagricultural admireadmiration apologizing apology to celebrate celebration admired admiration sadness sadly take place in memory of dress up play a trick on look forward to day and night as though have fun with turn up keep one s word hold one s breath set off remind of make an apology to sb turned up in memory of have taken place day and night dressed up keep your word is difficult for me to forget either the English Corner or the gym It is obvious that While he was studying in the university for admiration admiring While I was admiringheard calling While admiring heard called apologize make an apology to her deskmate to her deskmate cure accuse cheat inform convince rob reminded to write of Although they are reminded not to drive Reminded not to drive Excuse me for Forgive me for in favour of in charge of in celebration of being treated seeing to see looking forward to receiving your earliest reply 出现现 调调高 翻起 turned in turned down turn to turn up set out set up set about setting off for to see starved to death were tricked on received an award from the government Awarded by the government The truth is that It is true that While traveling can broaden your mind 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键键退出全屏播放
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