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第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 第一部分 必修 5 Unit 1 特征 特性 分析 医生 内科医师师 受害者 认为认为 怀怀疑 被怀怀疑者 嫌疑犯 询问询问 附近 邻邻近 泵泵 抽水机 用泵泵 抽 水 烟火 燃放 图图表 向后地 的 相反地 的 退步地 的 使 旋转转 纺纺 线线或纱纱 defeat expert attend absorb blame link positive enthusiastic foresee handle cure challenge challenging cautiouscaution pollute pollution instructinstruction instructions concludeconclusion contributecontribution reject rejection scientificsciencescientist announce announcement announcer certaintycertain certainly constructconstruction responsibleresponsibility painter paint painting universe universal universally instructed instructions are constructing construction was concluded conclusion has contributed contribution scientistscientific put forward draw a conclusion expose to link to apart from make sense look into lead to at times be strict with be cautious about be absorbed in make contributions to put forward be strict with look into lead to Apart from make sense Neither the teacher nor his students Every time I hear the English song have his work Only whencan we become finished on time prepared for from conclusion In draw reach come to arrive at a conclusion is supposed to take effective measures to will be attending to attend invite you to attend the exhibition is exposed exposed Being exposed Exposing yourself to the sunlight for too long will be If exposed to the sunlight for too long you will get your harmful to your skin skin injured 吸收 吞并 使专专心 理解 absorbed absorbed was so absorbed in his work So absorbed was Tom in his work Absorbed in his work for on because she was blamed for Blamed for cause lead to result in bring about等 contribution to He made such a great contribution to the university that Such a great contribution to the university did he make 提出 推荐 拨拨快 提前 put up with put aside put forward make sense to make sense of for of to challenging challenge should leave instructions takes was Neithernor the the Every time he arrived home Next time you come to Beijing 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键键退出全屏播放
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