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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 基础自测 内容索引 要点探究 达标检测 课文预读 Period Four Project 基础自测 1 adj 多毛的 毛茸茸的 n 毛发 头发 2 vt vi n 攻击 进攻 3 n 村民 n 村庄 4 n 长度 adj 长的 5 vt 检查 n 检查 考试 hairy hair attack villager village length long examine 重点单词 examination 6 n 动植物 保护区 储备 vt 预订 保留 储备 7 n 力量 力气 8 vt 使确信 使相信 9 vt n 联系 关联 10 vi vt 生存 挺过 难关 reserve strength convince link survive 1 类似于 与 相似 2 许多 很多 3 追赶 4 属于 5 与 有关联 联系 6 到 去 前往 重点短语 be similar to dozens of run after belong to be linked to make one s way to 1 Sb be said to do 据说某人 The Yeti a large hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being 据说 雪人是一种身材硕大 多毛 像人一样靠双脚行走的动物 2 过去分词作后置定语 which引导非限制性定语从句 He reported that they looked like the tracks of a similar creature some people believe lives in the forests of the north west of the USA 他报告说 它们看起来像一种叫北美野人的类似动物的脚 印 有人认为北美野人生活在美国西北部的森林里 重点句式 is said to be called Bigfootwhich 3 that引导定语从句 He believed that these creatures are linked to a common ancestor an animal some 300 000 years ago 他认为 这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联 该动物生活于约30万年前 的亚洲 that lived in Asia 课文预读 答案 1 Which of the following is NOT the description about Yetis A Hairy B Large C Very fierce D Thick black fur 课文阅读理解 1234 答案 2 Which of the following statements is TRUE A Yetis often attack the local villagers B Scientists doubt whether there are Yetis C An American mountain climber said he saw a Yeti in 1998 D Dr Krantz believed that Yetis lived in Asia 3 000 years ago 2341 3 The author thinks the story about Yetis A doubtful B believable C romantic D funny 答案 2341 4 This passage is perhaps taken from A a science magazine B a history book C a magazine entitled Animal World D a magazine entitled Humans and Nature 答案 2341 What they are called Where they are seen What they look like Why they look the same Yeti In the 1 Large 4 animal that walks on two feet like a 5 being Moving with amazing 6 and 7 Large tracks more than 30 centimetres in 8 Linked to a common 9 an animal that lived in 10 some 300 000 years ago Bigfoot In the 2 of the north west of the USA The Wild Man of Shennongjia In 3 Hubei Province China 课文阅读填空 Himalayas forests strength hairy human speed western ancestor Asia length Yeti Bigfoot and the Wild Man of Shennongjia 要点探究 1 People believe that Yetis sometimes come down from the mountains to attack villagers 人们相信雪人有时会下山攻击村民 attack vt vi n 攻击 进攻 make an attack on against攻击 袭击 under attack遭到袭击 重点词汇 1 The terrorists made several attacks but they didn t succeed 恐怖分 子发起了几次袭击 但是没有得逞 2 A thief made an attack a woman in the street yesterday 昨天一个小偷在街上袭击了一个女人 3 When he woke up he was told that the city was 他醒来时被告知 这个城市正在遭受袭击 on against under attack 4 China has recently its waters controls near the Diaoyu Islands to prevent Chinese fishing boats from in the East China Sea A shown up attacking B taken up having attacked C stepped up being attacked D picked up having been attacked 解析 句意为 中国近来已经加强了钓鱼岛水域的控制 为了防止中 国渔船在东海受到袭击 step up加强 加快 符合句意 attack与其逻 辑主语Chinese fishing boats存在被动关系 故用being attacked 单项填空 答案解析 2 In one case a group of engineers ran after the creature which moved with amazing speed and strength 其中有一个实例就是一群工程师追赶这种以惊人的速度和力量移动 的生物 run after追赶 对异性的 追求 run across偶然遇见 或看到 run into遇到 撞上 run out of用完 某物 run out 某物 用完 注意 run out run out of两者都表示 用完 前者为不及物动词 短语 其主语是物 不能用于被动语态 后者是及物动词短语 可 以用于被动语态 1 The dog is running after a rabbit 这条狗正在追赶一只兔子 2 I an old photo in the drawer the other day 不久前的一天我 在抽屉里发现了一张老照片 3 If you someone you must say sorry 如果你撞到了某人身上 你必须道歉 ran across run into 4 The mountain climbers had to return as their food and water are 2017 盐城射阳二中高一上调研 A run out of B run out C given out D using up 答案解析 解析 句意为 登山者不得不返回 因为他们的食物和水都用光了 run out of use up用光 是及物动词短语 有被动语态 run out give out用光 是不及物动词短语 无被动语态 故选A项 单项填空 3 Large tracks have also been discovered which some people say belong to the Wild Man 人们也发现过一些巨大的脚印 有人称它们是野人 留下 的 belong to属于 是 的成员 belongings n pl 财产 所有物 亲属 注意 belong to无被动语态 无进行时 后跟名词普通格或代词宾 格 其现在分词形式可作后置定语 1 These musical instruments belong to the school 这些乐器归学校所有 2 He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings 他的身份仅通过制服和个人财物就确定了下来 单项填空 3 Have you ever seen a dictionary our school library Yes it is over there and Mary is using it A belonging to B belonged to C being belonged to D belong to 答案解析 解析 belonging to 是现在分词短语 在此作定语 修饰dictionary 4 He became convinced they exist 他开始确信它们存在 1 convinced adj 坚信的 深信的 确信的 坚信不疑的 有坚定信 仰的 作定语 be convinced of that 确信 坚信 2 convince vt 使确信 使相信 convince sb oneself of sth 使某人 自己相信某事 convince sb that 使某人相信 convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 3 convincing adj 令人信服的 有说服力的 1 I m convinced that he will make progress in his research soon 我确信他很快会在研究上取得进步 2 The data you have collected is not enough to be convincing 你们收集的资料说服力不足 3 I tried to the danger of drunk driving 我尽量使他相信酒驾的危险 4 What she said I was wrong 她的一番话使我认识到我错了 convinced me that convince him of 单项填空 5 Years of teaching experience as a volunteer has made him that for students development timely encouragement along with careful instructions 2018 如东高级中学高一上检测 A convinced count B convincing co
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