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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe 选修八 单词 在语境中默写 在联想中积累 知词词意 准拼写 1 adj 习惯习惯 的 2 v 目击击 亲亲眼看见见 亲亲身经历经历 3 adj 高级级的 先进进的 4 v 爆炸 5 v 承认认 认为认为 6 adj 任意的 随机的 accustomed witness advanced burst acknowledge random 7 n 失败败 8 v 指责责 9 adj 一致的 吻合的 10 adj 稳稳定的 安定的 11 v 咨询询 请请教 12 adv 蓄意地 故意地 13 v 假定 假设设 n 假定 假设设 defeat accuse consistent stable consult deliberately assume assumption 14 n 耐心 adj 耐心的 15 v 依靠 取决于 n 依靠 adj 依靠的 依赖赖的 16 n 安慰 宽宽慰 v 缓缓和 减 轻轻 17 n 忠诚诚 v 奉献 致力于 adj 忠诚诚的 18 n 观观察 v 观观察 patience patient depend dependence dependent relief relieve devotion devote devoted observation observe 通语语境 辨词词性 用所给词给词 的适当形式填空 1 At first Anne totally on Jack her husband After many years of struggle she gained her and now she is on herself to lead a new life depend 2 Mr Black is my friend He his life to doing scientific research I respect his to science devote 3 The doctor said Just a little I m examining the patient depended independence dependent devoted devotes devotion patientlypatience patient 4 It is that hard work leads to great success so we him to be successful But that he isn t that lucky what shall we do to comfort him assume 5 Our soldiers now can 300 miles a day in the desert with the help of the Global Positioning System 全球定位系统统 advance assumed assume assuming advance advanced 短语 在应用中记牢 在归纳中记多 知语语意 准拼写 1 成功 及时时到达 2 不管 3 在 一开始的时时候 4 除 之外 5 一系列的 一连连串的 make it in spite of at the very beginning of other than a series of 6 指责责某人做某事 7 祈望 祈求 8 与 相似 9 开始 把 发动发动 起来 10 开始做 着手进进行 11 和 一致 12 习惯习惯 于 accuse sb of doing sth pray for be similar to set in motion set out be consistent with be accustomed to 识语识语 境 用得活 1 After living there for one year they have working there 2 The conflicts between different ethnic groups caused wars 3 I was still living in London when the war 4 Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times he didn t been accustomed a series of broke out make it to 5 the rough weather and traffic rescue teams have managed to reach the quake stricken area 6 Sir please give me some money to buy some food I will your health and long life In spite of pray for 背原句 树规树规 范 记记句式 提主干 写得准 会仿用 1 By the time the Challenger took off in 1986 the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space 此句式为为 sb sth seems seeme d to have done It seems seemed that sb sth have has done 他好像已经读过这经读过这 部小说说了 因为为他对对里面的情节节了解得蛮 多的 because he knows much about the plots 2 little did he know what impact he was going to make 否定词词前置 句子用部 分倒装 我以前从来没有看过这过这 么感人 的电电影 such a moving film 3 Incredible as it may seem both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption as 引导导的让让步状语语从 句 应应使用倒装结结构 尽管他是个孩子 但他不得不养 活一大家人 he has to support a large family He seems to have read the novel Never before have I seen Child as he is to assumption as of for withabout through up that Despite 词汇训练 全通关 单句语法填空 1 He was accused cheating investors of their life savings 2 accustom to climbing the steep mountain he had no difficulty reaching the top 3 I consulted my brother buying a car yesterday 4 assume that his story is true what should we do 5 Kobe is widely acknowledge to be one of the best basketball players in the world of Accustomed with about Assuming acknowledged 6 Sarah made to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning 7 The sports meet is on Saturday so we re praying a fine day 8 His son is unwilling to speak to him other than ask him for money 9 He set out paint the whole house but finished only the front part 10 They are setting in motion do a new experiment it for to ask to paint to do 单句改错 按高考试卷要求直接在原句上修改 1 He is unhappy despite he has a lot of money 2 We were accustomed to work together 3 Assumed that it is true what should we do now 4 She accused him with stealing her watch 5 He paused to consult with his notes and then proceeded with his questions despite although though work working Assumed Assuming accused charged或with of 去掉第一个with Hard Child as do I know to have known
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