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. . .学校 班级 姓名 学号 密封线学校发展联盟六英阶段性学业水平监控听力部分 (30分) 一、 听录音,选择你所听到的内容。(5分)( )1. A. away B. always C. play D. stay( )2. A. glass B. class C. grass D. pass( )3. A. sing B. sign C. swim D. song( )4. A. point B. sport C. put D. pick( )5. A. match B. watch C. March D. touch 二、听录音,根据问句选择正确的答句。(听两遍)(5分)( )1. A. I like masks. B. Id like a new dress.C. I like swimming.( )2. A. Its the sixth of July. B. Its on the sixth of July. C. Its Saturday.( )3. A. It means Be quiet. B. They mean different things. C. It means you shouldnt make noise here.( )4. A. Yes, you can. B. No, youre not. C. No, I cant.( )5. A. Her birthdays in June. B. His birthdays in June. C. Their birthdays are in June.三、听录音,根据对话内容和问题选择正确的答句。(听两遍)(10分)( )1. A. Its on the seventh of December.B. Its on the ninth of June.C. Its on the tenth of March.( )2. A. Theyre under the book.B. Theyre on the desk.C. Theyre under the desk.( )3. A. He would like a puppet.B. He would like a puzzle.C. He would like some flowers.( )4. A. It means you should walk on the grass.B. It means Danger. You should stay away from it.C. It means you should not walk on the grass.( )5. A. Sorry, I dont know.B. Its Miss Lis.C. Its Nancys.四、根据录音,完成短文。(听三遍)(10分)Ben: is it ?Jim: Its the of May.Ben: Oh, my birthdays soon.Jim: your birthday?Ben: Its on the of May. Would you like to come to my ?Jim: . Would you like a VCD as your ?Ben: Great.笔试部分 70分一、英汉词组互译。(10分) 1.问一些问题 2.拍许多照片 _ 3.体育运动日 4.两部移动电话 _ 5.在三月四日 6.禁止践踏草地 _ 7.pick up the flowers 8. a VCD of Chinese cartoons 9. different animals _ 10. point to a building 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. They (have) an English lesson now. 2. What the signs (mean)? They (mean) different things.3. My birthdays on the (five) of October.4. They are reading an (interest) book.5. (be) you at school yesterday(昨天)? No, I (be) ill at home.6. Id like (buy) a mask for my lovely daughter.7. Jack (like) collecting stamps?8. the teachers usually (have) parties at weekends?三、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. What these words mean? A. are B. does C. do( ) 2. Where you just now? A. are B. was C. were( ) 3. There two glasses of water on the table just now. A. are B. is C. were( ) 4. Mr. Black is a walk in the park. A. taking B. takeing C. go on( ) 5. Here are your shoes. , please. A. Put it on B. Put on them C. Put them on( ) 6. How many students in the classroom? A. have there B. are they C. there are( ) 7. They are talking about their friends the phone. A. in B. on C. with( ) 8. Can you see the sign on the wall? . A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, you are. C. No, I cant.( ) 9. What is it today? Its . A. date; Monday B. day; the 1st of May C. day; Sunday ( ) 10. There an orange and three bananas on the plate a moment ago. A. is B. are C. was四、看图,完成对话。(每空一词)(10分) 1. -Look, who is _?-He is Liu Dehua . -_ is he now ? -Sorry, I dont know. But he _in Nanjing two days ago. 2.A: There are _ signs in the library.B: Look, there is a hamburger in the sign. It _ No eating or drinking.A: The sign “No smoking” is interesting. B: Yes, It means you shouldnt _in the library.A: There is a big mouth the sign.B: It means you _ _ quiet.A: Oh, I see. _ you.五、对话配对。(5分) ( )1. I cant find my notebook? A. Thats all right. ( ) 2.Where are my chopsticks? B. No, it isnt. ( ) 3. Thank you very much. C. Its near the pencil-box. ( ) 4. Is your birthday in February? D. Yes, it does. ( ) 5. Does it means “No smoking” ? E. Sorry, I dont know.六、连词成句。(5分)1. on the birds, The sign, is interesting, cage (.)_2. comes up, to him, keeper, A park (.)_
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