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Unit 3 A taste of English humourUsing language课题: Unit3 学习目标: Learn the new words and expressions教学重点:The usage of important words and expressions.Steps :(教学步骤)Step 1 Have a check about the homework in the last lesson.(检查上节课的作业)Step 2:Read the words and expressions on page 97-98(读熟97-98页Unit3的新单词和短语,注意发音,以及单词的词性)Step3:Learn the following words and expressions by yourselves.(自学下面的内容)1. humour n. 幽默 humourous adj. 幽默的 a sense of humour 幽默感2. brighten 使愉快 blacken 变黑 darken -en 动词后缀3. depressed 意志消沉的 depressing令人沮丧的 depression n 抑郁消沉She felt depressed about the future 他感到前途无望Looking for a job these days can be very depressing.如今求职有时让人非常沮丧She suffered a severe depression after losing her job.她失业后患了严重的抑郁症4. content n 内容 adj. 满意的满足的the content of the book 书的内容be/feel content with 对满意 be content to do 甘愿做某事He doesnt want more money_ he is content with what he has.他不想要更多的钱,他满足于现状Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone.爱因斯坦甘愿独自一人度过大部分时间。5. perform v 执行 履行 performer n. 表演者 performance n. 演出6. ordinary 平常的 普通的 common 常见的 司空见惯的 normal 正常的He was born an ordinary family.This plant is common throughout Hainan.After he took some medicine, his temperature returned to normal.7. boring 感到厌烦的 boring 令人厌烦的be bored with 对感到厌烦 be bored to death 烦得要死The boring speech made every one boring.8. entertain v 使欢乐 款待 entertainment n 娱乐entertaining adj. 愉快的 有趣的He entertained us for hours with his jokes and stories.他即讲故事又说笑话逗我们乐了好长时间。9. wear (wore worn )v 穿戴 留发 精磨 耐用 worn adj 用旧的 疲惫的wear out 用旧 穿破 使疲乏 wear well 经久耐用worn adj. 用旧的 破烂的 疲惫的These shoes are looking rather worn.这些鞋看起来相当的旧。He came back worn and worried.她回来了 既疲惫又焦虑10. fail v 失败 failure n 失败故障 fail in doing 在方面不成功 fail to do 没能做某事 Some students failed their teacher.They failed to get doctors degree.有些学生让老师失望了,他们没能拿到博士学位。Failure is mother of success.失败是成功之母11. optimism n 乐观 乐观主义 optimistic adj 乐观的be optimistic about 对乐观You should be optimistic about the future. 你应当对未来充满希望。12. overcome 战胜 克服 come over 顺便来访He overcame his injury to win the gold medal.他克服伤痛赢得了金牌。13. pick out 挑出 辨认 pick off 除去 pick up 捡起 学会 加速Pick off all the dead leaves 把枯叶全都摘掉。It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly pick out my friend.电影院那么黑以至于我几乎认不出朋友。14. cut off切断 断绝 cut down 砍到 削减cut in 插嘴 a short cut 抄近路The doctor told him to cut downon his drinking. 医生劝他少喝酒。They were cut off for not paying their phone bill.他们未付电话费被停机了。15. convince v 使信服 convince sb. of sth./that 从句 No one was able to convince her of her mistake.谁也不能使她意识到自己的过错。I was convinced that she had taken her own diamond 我深信她拿走了自己的钻石戒指。16. direct v direction n 方向 director 指挥者 indirect 间接的a direct flight to New York 直飞纽约的飞under the direction of 在的指导下Can you direct me to the theatre ? 你能告诉我去医院怎么走吗。17. outstanding adj. 突出的 显著的 stand out v 显眼 引人注目18. gesture n/v 姿态 手势 做手势 She gestured for them to come in .她示意让他们进来。He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car 19. particular adj. 特殊的 特别的 n 细节 细目be particular about 对 挑剔 in particular =particularly尤其特别Most children are particular about food. 大多数孩子挑食。Traffic is bad ,in particular in the city centre.交通很拥挤尤其在市中心。20. slide slid slid 滑动 滑行The book slid off my knee. 书从我膝盖上滑落下来。21. amuse v. 使发笑 使愉快 amused 感到逗人的 amusing 好笑的 有趣的amusement n 娱乐消遣 be amused at /with /by 感到有趣 We were all amused at his foolish behaviour.我们对他愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。22. whisper n./v. 低语小声说 in a whisper低声的 whisper to sb. 对低语23 mess n. 凌乱 messy adj. 乱七八糟的in a mess 乱成一团 make a mess 制造脏乱Youve made a mess of the job你把工作搞得一团糟。24. react vi. 作出反应 回应 react to sb./sth. 对作出反应Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。25. drink (drank drunk ) 喝 饮 举杯 drink to ones health为某人健康干杯 have a drink 喝一杯 drunk adj. 醉得 陶醉的His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk.他解决心烦事的唯一办法就是出去喝个烂醉。26. badly off 穷的 缺少的27. astonish v. astonishing to onesastonishment 令某人吃惊的be astonished to do /at sth. 感到吃惊He was astonished to learn hed won the competition. 他听说比赛赢了感到很惊讶。感谢您的下载,特赠送精品文章良好学习习惯的养成教育祝你学习进步,学业有成。世界上最可怕的力量是习惯,世界上最宝贵的财富也是习惯。一个班级,一个企业,一个国家,一个民族是如此,对于人的一生,更是如此。生而为人,每个人都需要踏踏实实地做人,而良好的做人习惯正是帮助我们构建成功人生所必需的。好习惯是一个人终身的财富。习惯是一个人的资本,你有了好习惯,你一辈子都有用不完的利息,你有了坏习惯,你一辈子有偿还不了的债务。管得住自己,你是习惯的主人,管不住自己,你是习惯的奴隶,做主人还是做奴隶;全在于自己的选择。行为养成习惯,习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。可见,中学生良好的学习习惯的养成至关重要!一、什么是学习习惯所谓习惯,就是经过重复练习而巩固下来的思维模式和行为方式。学习习惯,就是在不间断的学习实践中养成的那种自自然然表现出来的学习上的习性。学习习惯一旦养成,它便会以情不自禁、不期而至的方式持续下来,犹如物理学中的惯性力量。“良好的学习习惯是一种自觉的学习行为,因而能提高学习效率”。二、中学生必须养成哪些良好的学习习惯?1.尊重与欣赏老师的习惯亲其师,信其道。一个学生同时面对的各学科教师,长短不齐,在所难免。所以学生要学习好,除了我们老师努力提高能力水平,适应学生外,学生更要尊重老师,适应老师,并学会欣赏自己的老师。不同层次的老师,学生用不同的方式,眼睛向内、提高自我的方式去适应,与老师共同进步。从现在适应老师,长大了适应社会。不会稍不如意就埋怨环境。2.自学预习的习惯自学是获取知识的主要途径。就学习过程而言,教师只是引路人,学生是学习的真正主体,学习中的大量问题,主要*自己去解决。阅读是自学的一种主要形式,通过阅读教科书,可以独立领会知识,把握概念本质内涵,分析知识前后联系,反复推敲,理解教材
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