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.word可编辑.Unit 2The Gift of Gift-givingVocabulary. 专业.专注 . perspicacious betoken nicety ritualistic one-up reciprocity benefactor proclivity frivolous wont prone clich fabulous pamper altruism dispenseperspicacious: able to understand sb./ sth. quickly (fml) 敏锐的,聪明的It offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter.betoken: v. to be a sign ofA clear blue sky betokens fine weather.Her deep frown betokened her feeling of sadness.It is out of proportion to send gift that betokens an intimacy that doesnt exist.nicety: n.(usu. pl)a minor aspect of polite social behavior; a detail of etiquette 精妙,微妙之处We were brought up to observe the niceties.ritualistic: a. of fondness for ritual 遵守仪式的;仪式化的It is purely ritualistic to send expensive gifts on wedding ceremony. Each evening, she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of “Honey, Im home.”ritual n./a. 仪式(的),典礼(的) ritualize v. 使仪式化reciprocity: n. the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefita reciprocity treatyReciprocity includes more than gifts and favors; it also applies to concessions that people make to one another.reciprocal: mutual, giving and receiving in return交互的,互惠的benefactor: n. a person who gives money or other help to a person or causewe collected 478, but a very generous benefactor made it up to 500.The chieftain of that country is disguised as a benefactor this time.benefactressProclivity: (to/towards/for) a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition 癖性,倾向For example: a proclivity for hard work/ for dancing/ laziness His son has a proclivity towards laziness.Our teacher has a proclivity to faultfinding.frivolous: a. not having any serious purpose or value 轻薄的,轻浮的;琐碎的,无意义的For example: There should be rules to stop frivolous law suits.This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem.wont: a./n. habit; accustomed to; in the habit of be wont to do sth.: be used (accustomed) to sth./doing sth. For Example: Both have committed their indiscretions as human beings are wont to do.Paul woke much earlier than was his wont.prone: (to/to do sth.) : a. likely or liable to suffer from 可能的,容易遭受的 For example:accident-proneHe is prone to jump to conclusions.People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin cancer.His nose is prone to be allergic to roses.clich: n./a. a phrase which has been used too often, and has become meaningless陈词滥调,陈腐思想/ 陈腐的 For example:It has become a clich to describe Asia Pacific as the worlds most dynamic economy.The teacher criticized the student for writing a clich-ridden article.fabulous: a. wonderful ;marvelous 惊人的,难以置信的;寓言般的We had a fabulous time at the party.pamper: v. indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil 姑息,纵容;娇惯Famous people just love being pampered.Todays superstars are often pampered by mass media. Its no good pampering children like that.altruism: mass noun the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others利他主义 For example:Some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism.dispense: v. distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number of peopleFor example:The machines dispense a range of drinks and snacks.Orderlies went round dispensing drinks.dispense with:do away with省却,免除indispensable: absolutely necessary不可或缺的,绝对必要的 (Para.1 line1) I date a woman for a whileliterary type, well-read, lots of books in her placewhom I admired a bit too extravagantly, and one Christmas I decided to give her something nice and, Im afraid, unusually expensive.Trans:我曾与一位女子约会过一段时间她属于文学爱好者之类,博览群书,其寓所藏书甚丰我对她的倾慕有点过分。有一次圣诞节,我决定送她一样非同一般的好东西,其价格也是贵得吓人。extravagantly: ad. unreasonably high; exorbitantFor example:The day before they left Jeff had shopped extravagantly for presents for the whole family.They claim Laborers plans would be extravagantly expensive and over bureaucratic. (Para.1 line 10) I had visions of her opening the set, volume by volume, while we sat by the fire Christmas Eve sipping cognac and listening to the Brandenburg Concertos.Trans: 我想象着这样的情景,圣诞之夜,我俩围炉而坐,一边啜饮着上等科涅克白兰地,一边欣赏着勃兰登堡协奏曲,她把文卷一页页地打开。(line 18) Its totally out of proportion。 Its very inappropriate.proportion:比例out of proportion(to) in proportion tomuch too great as compared with 不相称,不成比例e.g. The price of the article is out of proportion to its value. (para. 2 line 8) She insisted that I take the books back or sell them or keep them for myself. When I protested, she just got more upset, and finally she asked me to leave and to take the books with me. Hurt and perplexed, I did.Trans: 她坚持让我把书拿走,要么卖掉,要么自己留着。见我不肯罢休,她越发不安。最后,她请我带着书离开。我伤心困惑地离开了。 1) insist + that clause Ver
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