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文学 额外的 外加的 学业的 学术的 以前的 极佳的 非常好的 独立的 不知为什么 不知怎么地 广播 播放 重要 事件 社交活动 比赛项目 一代 一代人 experience respect average struggle exchange kindness inform charge outing composition devote devoted devotion encouraging encouragement encourage courage enjoyable enjoy challenging challenge satisfaction satisfy satisfied satisfying satisfactory fluent fluently fluency donate donation donator approve approval preparation prepare prepared graduation graduate devote devoted devotion fluently fluent preparations prepared satisfying satisfied satisfaction donated donations encouragement encouraging forfree makesure makeuseof befondof lookback on onaverage inchargeof behappywith takegoodcareof devote to usedtodosth firstofall beavailablefor attheendof becomeinterestedin struggleagainst with morethan comeupwith lookedback comeupwith forfree usedto makeuseof inchargeof arefondof struggledagainst with ItisagreatsuccessforBeijingtowin Uponarrivingattheairport Theless themore themore soreliantontheirparents that experience toexperience experienced hasexperience isexperienced in in respects respects for Hewasrespectedbyeveryoneanddecidedtomakegreat Witheveryonerespectinghim hedecidedtomakegreat contributionstothecountry contributionstothecountry devotion devoted Devoted devotesherselftoteaching Devotingherselftoteaching Devotedtoteaching above On atanaveragespeedof whosespeedaveragesoutat to against with tobeheard struggledtoleadanactivelife for in Meantime exchangeideasandfeelingswitheach throughwhich other us后加of informations information realize informedmeofthemeeting NotuntilheinformedmeofthemeetingwasIaware approve后加of approve approval mostofwhomapprovedof mostofthemapprovedof inthechargeof inchargeof lookingforwardto lookingupto lookdownupon on lookedthrough of toprepare shouldmake makefulluseofeveryminutetogooverourlessons isapproaching makethebestof makethemostof takefulladvantage ofeveryminutetogooverourlessons of for forsomestudentstoputoff Itiscarelessofyou On Uponarrivingatthestation On Uponarrivalatthestation assoonas themomenthe Hardly when arrivedatthestation so such such sowellthat Sowelldidwedothat approval for hadexchanged toearn challenges studying arriving preparations that wearing Devoting informed respecting for toobey experiences experience care caring average后加of Look Looking In At for of 去掉第二个use for with such so 第一个which that LearningEnglish as sochallengingas Thoughhehadbeentrained asusefulaway itistoraiseachild Upon Onarriving Assoonas Theinstant moment minute Nosooner than Hardly when notonlyattendclassbutalsospend Goingtoschool animportantandnecessaryexperience ourwholeyouth Itisnotimportant devoteourselvestostudy asimportantas learninglessons lookbackon withsatisfaction 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放
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