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Section Learning about Language Using Language 课前自主预习 重点单词 1 vt 忍受 忍耐 负担 bore 过去式 born e 过去分词 2 adv 偶然地 不时地 occasional adj 非经 常的 偶尔的 3 n 水或气 流 电流 adj 现在的 当前的 currently adv 通常 现在 4 n 稳定 安定 stable adj 稳固的 稳定的 安定的 bear occasionally current stability 5 vt 联想 联系 n 同伴 伙伴 association n 联系 联盟 社团 6 adj 实际的 实践的 实用的 practically adv 实际上 事实上 practice n 实践 实施 7 adj 清白的 无罪的 天真的 innocence n 清白 无罪 associate practical innocent 重点短语 1 迅速把手伸入 一心投入 跳入 2 开始 做 3 不挂断 稍等 紧紧握住 4 次序颠倒 发生故障 5 设法联系上 尤指打通电话 设法 做完 通过 6 回复电话 7 挂断电话 8 和 有联系 dive into set out to do hang on out of order get through ring back ring off be associated with 重点句型 1 教材原句 Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before 每次你这样做的时候你一定会发现你以前从未见过的东西 佳句诵读 I rather hear the truth than live in all your lies 每当你注视我的眼睛 我宁愿听到真相也不愿意活在你的 谎言中 Every time you look into my eyes 2 教材原句 Follow it up explore all around it and before you know it you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind 跟踪下去 不断探索 不知不觉中 你就会发现某种值得 你思考的东西占据着你的头脑 佳句诵读 perhaps you ll like it 尝尝这种果汁 也许你会喜欢的 Try some of this juice 3 教材原句 The patent was given in 1876 but it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson 这项专利是1876年发布的 但是贝尔是在5天之后才跟他 的助手华生通了第一次电话 佳句诵读 I was I realized words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways 直到那时我才意识到语言既有积极的力量也有消极的力量 not until then that 语篇理解 1 Skim the passage quickly and find out the main idea of it 答案 It mainly talks about the life of Alexander Graham Bell and how he made the great inventions 2 Read the passage and tell if the following statements are true T or false F 1 Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Boston USA 2 Bell s mother was completely deaf but with the help of Bell she could hear what Bell said 3 It was Bell s interest and curiosity that led to the invention of the telephone 4 In order to improve his invention Bell made Morse code 5 Bell invented the telephone by chance because he had meant to improve the telegraph 6 Right after he invented the telephone he successfully sent a message to his assistant Watson 7 He invented the helicopter and other flying machines 8 Bell is respected for he devoted all himself to improving everybody s life 答案 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T 课内研析探究 bear bore borne vt 忍受 忍耐 负担 生育 牛津P129 The ice is too thin to bear your weight 冰太薄 承受不住你的重量 1 bear stand tolerate doing to do sth 忍受做某事 put up with sth 容忍某事 2 bear keep sth in mind记住 bear a heavy burden肩负重担 I can t bear people smoking while he s eating 我无法忍受人们吃饭时吸烟 Bearing a heavy burden she has to work hard to bring up her children 肩负重担 她必须努力工作抚养孩子 Reasonable as the opinion sounds it cannot bear the test through analysis 虽然这个观点听起来有道理 但是它经不住分析 dive into向某方向冲去或奔去 迅速把手伸入 跳入 头朝下 一心投入 教材原句P25 Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods 偶尔离开平路去寻求困境 He dived into his pocket and took out a couple of coins 他迅速把手伸进衣袋 拿出几枚硬币 He has been diving into the history of Chinese literature 他潜心研究中国文学史 associate vt 联想 联系 n 同伴 伙伴 The first step to making friends is associating with other people 交朋友的第一步就是要跟他人联系 You must bear in mind that you should never associate with bad companions 你必须要牢记千万别和坏人交往 牛津P104 He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies 在公众的心目中 他总是和恐怖电影紧密联系在一起 We are working in association with a local company to raise money for the homeless 我们联合一家当地的公司 为无家可归的人筹款 hang on不挂断 坚持 稍等 紧紧握住 to sth Hang on I ll call him 等一下 我去叫他 I m afraid the telephone line is engaged Would you like to hang on 恐怕电话占线 请等一下好吗 Don t let go Hang on to it tightly 不要放 抓紧它 out of order发生故障 次序颠 倒 有毛病 状况不佳 教材原句P26 I m sorry but this phone is out of order 对不起 电话坏了 I m afraid that the machine is out of order and it needs repairing 恐怕机器出故障需要修理 I ll see that everything is in order when the guests arrive 客人来时我会把一切都照料得井井有条 The car ran out of control and struck a tree 汽车失去控制 撞在树上 The children have been playing with my hat they ve knocked it out of shape 孩子们一直玩着我的帽子 把它弄得不成样子了 get through设法联系上 尤指打 通电话 设法 做完 通过 教材原句P26 I can t get through 我打不通电话 I will go out with you as soon as I get through the work 我一完成这项工作就和你出去 It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs 我们通过海关检查只花了几分钟时间 I couldn t get through to her because her phone was busy all day 她的电话整天占线 因而我没能联系上她 单句语法填空 1 Low temperatures and freeze rain in some parts of China also pushed up prices of agricultural products during the early weeks of 2014 答案 freezing 2 The grandma dived the bag brought out two apples and gave them to the beggar 答案 into 3 She always associated the smell of fresh bread her aunt who loved baking 答案 with 4 Your ideas are very interesting but we need practice suggestions to get us out of the mess 答案 practical 5 Sorry I have to hang now It s time for class OK I ll call back later 答案 on 6 Why did Bob cry He couldn t bear make fun of like that before the whole class 答案 being made 用 get短语完成句子 1 The passage is too narrow for cars to 通过 答案 get through 2 He 开始做 his work after the holidays 答案 get down to 3 She tried
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