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写作限时训练五 名师指津 李华向书商投诉 一是发货慢 二是 包装不好 导致一本书的封面损坏 并漏发 了一本书 他希望书商要么退款 要么再寄 一套新书给他 1 customer customers 2 before ago 3 去掉until前的not 4 too so 5 is was 6 worst worse 7 complete前加a 8 but and 9 nor or 10 informing informed 第一节 短文改错 1 customer customers 因one of后加 名词词复数 2 before ago 因从现现在算起到过过去的 时间时间 一般用ago 3 去掉until前的not 因为为not until结结 构中的not已出现现在didn t中 4 too so 此处处是so that的结结构 意 为为 包装不好 结结果有一本书书的封面裂 了 5 is was 描述过过去发发生的事情 谓谓 语动词应该语动词应该 用过过去式 6 worst worse 这这里指 更糟糕的是 用比较级较级 7 complete前加a 上文有提到 ordered a set of books 订购订购 了一套书书 所以 这这里对应对应 的要加上a 8 but and 两句话话是顺顺承的关系 用 and连连接 9 nor or 因either or 要么 要 么 是固定搭配 10 informing informed 这这里是指 被 告知 应该应该 用动词动词 的过过去分词词 Dear Allen How is everything going I am doing a part time job in a magazine agency during my summer holiday Thus I d like to invite you to write an article for our magazine The Chinese Culture section in our magazine is very popular among our students It carries articles written by foreign friends regarding the culture of Chinese traditional instruments I wonder if you could write something concerning Chinese 第二节 书面表达 traditional instruments as well as your views on it And we would especially welcome articles about comparing the varieties between Chinese traditional instruments and foreign traditional instruments in your own perspective You can write anything relevant so long as it s interesting and informative five hundred words would be fine It would be better if we have your article before June 29 I m looking forward to hearing from you Yours Li Hua
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