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专题七句子运用专题提升演练题型1完成句子1.(2017四川宜宾中考)“一带一路”是东西方之间交流合作的象征。The Belt and Road is the symbol of communication and cooperation the East the West.答案:between; and2.从你家到学校有多远? How far is it your home school? 答案:from; to3.(2018江苏宿迁中考)历史上的第一个风筝是用木头做的。The first kite wood in history.答案:was made of4.如果你能自己做你的作业就好多了。It is if you can do your homework by.答案:better; yourself5.今年夏天我想去海南度假。Ito spend my vacation in Hainan this summer.答案:would like6.你要哪种面条, 羊肉的还是牛肉的? would you like, mutton or beef? 答案:What kind of noodles7.泰勒对科学很感兴趣, 他想成为一名科学家。Taylorscience and he wants to be a scientist.答案:is interested in8.那部电影是那么的无聊, 以至于使我中途想离开。The movie was so boring that ithalf way through it.答案:made me want to leave9.这首歌总能让我想起我的英语老师。This song alwaysmy English teacher.答案:reminds me of10.至于我的愿望, 我想在某个安静美丽的地方休息两个月。As for my wish, I want to restand beautiful for two months.答案:somewhere quiet题型2句型转换1.(2018四川乐山中考)The newly-opened supermarket had something on sale last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句) the newly-opened supermarket anything on sale last Sunday? 答案:Did; have2.They had an English party last Sunday. (改为否定句)They an English party last Sunday.答案:didnt have3.(2017乌鲁木齐中考)It is amazing for China to make such great achievements for the past thirty years. (改为复合句)It is amazing China has such great achievements for the past thirty years.答案:that; made4.Bruce has art lessons twice a week. (对画线部分提问)does Bruce have art lessons? 答案:How often5.Lets go and help the old man to cross the road. (补充附加疑问句)Lets go and help the old man to cross the road, ? 答案:shall we6.I spend half an hour doing morning exercises every day. (改为同义句) It me half an hour to morning exercises every day.答案:takes; do7.My son is too young to join the army. (改为同义句)My son isnt to join the army.答案:old enough8.Our city is beautiful. (改为感叹句) our city is! 答案:How beautiful9.You should finish the work at the end of the week. (改为被动语态)The work should at the end of the week.答案:be finished10.Shall we have a picnic at the weekend? (改为同义句)having a picnic at the weekend? 答案:What/How about3
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