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班级高一()班教师时间周第 节课题Unit3 Travel journal(book1)-Language Points教学目标Teaching goals 1.To revise the useful words and expressions.2. To learn useful structures- the Present Continuous Tense to express future actions.重点Teaching important points the Present Continuous Tense to express future actions.难点Teaching difficult points How to use the Present Continuous Tense to express a plan or something to be done according to plan.教具A recorder.教学过程Ep step 1:Greeting : A song. S step 2:Practice一 一.Use the reading passage to find the correct word or expression to each of the I following sentences.H 1.He is so stubborn that no one can _ him to do anything.2. 2.A _ person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.3. 3._ she has made up her mind, nothing will _.4.I4.Is it_ for us to take off our hats in church?5. 5.He _ that we find the source of the trouble as soon as possible. Ev Every one agreed.6. 6.Do you remember every _ of the story you have just read.7.I 7. I wanted to pay the train _ , but my friend insisted. _I gave in.8. 8.she persuaded all of us to _ to work instead of taking the bus.【答案】1.persuade 2.determined 3.Once change her mind. 4. proper 5. Insinsisted 6.detail 7.fare; finally 8.cycle二. Match the words and the meaningsvalley a high place from which a river suddenly goes down.plain a fast-moving part of a river. waterfall a long, low, wide place between hills. delta the long place where a river enters the sea rapids a large body of ice moving slowly down a high valleycanyon a large flat placeglacier a deep, very wide valley, usually with a riverC 三. Complete this passage with some of the above words.I really enjoyed my school field trip in geography. We saw so many beautiful things: a _ that flowed like a river of ice through a _ that cut the mountains into two parts. We also discovered a river which fell off the mountains and become a wonderful _this was even more exciting to see than the _ where the water seemed to boil. Later we followed the river to a quieter _ and finally into a _ and the sea.【答案】I really enjoyed my school field trip in geography two month ago.We saw so many beautiful things; a _glacier_ that flowed like a river of ice through a _valley_ that cut the mountains into two parts.We also discovered a river that was falling off the mountain and became a wonderful _waterfall_.This was even more exciting to see than the _rapids _ where the water seemed to boil.Later we followed the river to a quieter _plain_ and finally into a _delta_ and the sea.Step3 :Look into some important words and expressions by observing their usage in sentences and passage,by the way, make some sentences for them to get the hang of them.Step4 Translate Chinese sentences into English ones.作业布置Finish exercises on P38 P41教学反思感谢您的下载,特赠送精品文章良好学习习惯的养成教育祝你学习进步,学业有成。世界上最可怕的力量是习惯,世界上最宝贵的财富也是习惯。一个班级,一个企业,一个国家,一个民族是如此,对于人的一生,更是如此。生而为人,每个人都需要踏踏实实地做人,而良好的做人习惯正是帮助我们构建成功人生所必需的。好习惯是一个人终身的财富。习惯是一个人的资本,你有了好习惯,你一辈子都有用不完的利息,你有了坏习惯,你一辈子有偿还不了的债务。管得住自己,你是习惯的主人,管不住自己,你是习惯的奴隶,做主人还是做奴隶;全在于自己的选择。行为养成习惯,习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。可见,中学生良好的学习习惯的养成至关重要!一、什么是学习习惯所谓习惯,就是经过重复练习而巩固下来的思维模式和行为方式。学习习惯,就是在不间断的学习实践中养成的那种自自然然表现出来的学习上的习性。学习习惯一旦养成,它便会以情不自禁、不期而至的方式持续下来,犹如物理学中的惯性力量。“良好的学习习惯是一种自觉的学习行为,因而能提高学习效率”。二、中学生必须养成哪些良好的学习习惯?1.尊重与欣赏老师的习惯亲其师,信其道。一个学生同时面对的各学科教师,长短不齐,在所难免。所以学生要学习好,除了我们老师努力提高能力水平,适应学生外,学生更要尊重老师,适应老师,并学会欣赏自己的老师。不同层次的老师,学生用不同的方式,眼睛向内、提高自我的方式去适应,与老师共同进步。从现在适应老师,长大了适应社会。不会稍不如意就埋怨环境。2.自学预习的习惯自学是获取知识的主要途径。就学习过程而言,教师只是引路人,学生是学习的真正主体,学习中的大量问题,主要*自己去解决。阅读是自学的一种主要形式,通过阅读教科书,可以独立领会知识,把握概念本质内涵,分析知识前后联系,反复推敲,理解教材,深化知识,形成能力。学习层次越高,自学的意义越重要,目前我国的高考为选拔有学习潜能的学生,对考生的自学能力有较高的要求。提前预习,是培养自主学习的精神和自学能力,提高听课效率的重要途径。提前预习教材,自主查找资料,研究新知识的要点重点,发现疑难,从而可以在课堂内重点解决,掌握听课的主动权,使听课具有针对性。3.专心上课的习惯教与学应该同步,应该和谐,因此学生在课堂上要集中精神,专心听教师讲课,认真听同学发言,抓住重点、难点、疑点听,边认真听边积极思考。哪怕是你已经超前学过了,也还是要认真听,要把教师的思路、其他同学的思路与自己的思路进行对比分析,找出解决问题的最佳途径。并在这过程中,尽量多理解记忆一些东西。4.认真观察,积极思考的习惯对客观事物的观察,是获取知识最基本的途径,也是认识客观事物的基本环节,因此,观察被称为学习的“门户”和打开智慧的“天窗”。每一位同学都应当学会观察,逐步养成观察意识,学会恰当的观察方法,养成良好的观察习惯,培养敏锐的观察能力。“观察”这两个字有两层意思,“观”是看的意思,“察”是想的意思,看了不想,不是真正的观察,对认识客观事物毫无意义。要做到观察和思考有机结合,要善于提出问题,要积极思考在学习过程中碰到的问题,积极思考教师和同学提出的问题,通过大脑进行信息加工,总结得出事物的一般规律和特征.我们观察事物,提出问题,思考问题,回答问题,一般要求达到:有根据、有条理、符合逻辑。5.善于提问的习惯我们要积极鼓励学生质疑问题,带着知识疑点问老师,问同学,问家长。学问、学问,学习就要开口问,不懂装懂最终害自己,提问是主动学习的表现,能提出问题的学生是学习能力最强的学生,是具有创新精神的学生。6.切磋琢磨的习惯学记上讲“独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻”,同学之间的学习交流和思想交流是十分重要的,遇到问题要互帮互学,展开讨论。每一个人都必须努力吸取别人的优点,弥补自己的不足,象蜜蜂似的,不断吸取群芳精华,经过反复加工,酿造知识精华。7.独立作业的习惯作业是教学活动的重要组成部分和自然延续,是学生最基本,最经常的独立学习实践活动,也是反映学生学习情况的主要方式。做作业的同时也时一种学习和积累的过程。中学的作业一般包括两大部分,一是书面的,二是看书思考或实践操作的。
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