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amended Decree No 344 2011 12 1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No 591 9 People s Republic of Chi na regulations on road transport 2004 07 01 2004 01 13 10 safety production license Ordinance promulgated by Decree No 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council No 397 11 2007 06 01 production safety accident reporting investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No 493 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009 05 01 amended Decree No 373 State Council Decree No 549 13 insura nce regulations regarding industrial injurie s 2011 01 01 amendment promulgated by Decre e No 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No 375 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005 11 01 State Council Decree No 445 15 workplaces where toxic substances are used to labour protection 2002 05 12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No 352 16 women workers 4 6 review and revision 4 6 1 production te chnology section Office organized relevant departments units once a year to review the documentation issued by not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner 4 6 2 processes technology material changes on or after an acci dent a nd biotech branch and that the workshop shoul d be timely to various reg ulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness 4 6 3 revision of the file change approval form should be filled in i ndi cating the causes and cha nges a ppr oved by the Deputy in charge of security General Manager of revision 4 6 4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file recover the original document unifie d void 5 related recor ds 5 1 list of applicable law s regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacte d sector update record 1 standard number People s Republic of China 2 Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002 11 1 Peopl e s Republic of China Law of occupational disease prevention 2002 05 01 NPC 3 order of the President of the 60th People s Republic of China fire control law of 2009 05 01 4 Chairm an of the national peopl e s Congress Standing Committee 6th People s Republic of China labor law 2008 1 1 Chairman of the national people s Congress Standing Committee 65th 5 People s Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011 5 1 Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 47th 6 People s Republic of China Trade Union law 2001 10 27 7 Chairman of the national people s Congress made the 62nd People s Republic of China emergency response law 2007 11 1 Chairman of the national pe ople s Congress the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decree No 344 2011 12 1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No 591 9 People s Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004 07 01 2004 01 13 10 safety production license Ordinance promulgated by De cree No 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decree of the State Council No 397 11 2007 06 01 production safety acci dent reporting investigation and handling of Ordi nance promulgated by Decree No 493 12 of the State Council regulations on special equipment safety supervision 2009 05 01 amende d Decree No 373 State Council Decree No 549 13 insurance r egulations regarding industrial injuries 2011 01 01 amendment promulgated by Decree No 586 of the State Council promulgated by Decree No 375 14 administration of precursor chemicals Ordinance 2005 11 01 State Council De cree No 445 15 workplace s where toxic substances are used to labour protection 2002 05 12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No 352 16 women workers 4 6 review and revise 4 6 1 production technol ogy section Office once every year and organize relevant departments to review unit on the issuing of system files not suitable documents be revised i n a timely manner 4 6 2 processes technology material cha nges on or after an accident a nd biote ch branch and that the workshop should be timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised to ensure suitability and effectiveness 4 6 3 revision of the file cha nge approval form should be filled in i ndi cating the cause s and changes approved by the Deputy in charge of security General Manager of revision 4 6 4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules should be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file recover the origi nal document unified void 5 related records 5 1 list of applicable laws regulations and standards of the inventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and other req uirements came into force dat e enacted se ctor update record 1 standard number People s Republic of China 2 Chairman of the national
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