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Warming up fast slow safe unsafe comfortable uncomfortable enjoy the view or not 1 safe 2 efficient for short journeys 1 slow 2 uncomfortable 1 cheaper 2 safe 3 fast 4 Enjoy the view uncomfortable 1 enjoy the sea view 2 provides meals and accommodation 1 more expensive 2 not convenient 3 seasick 1 fast 2 efficient 3 provides meals 1 too expensive 2 unsafe 3 can t enjoy the view How much do you know about Mekong Lan Cang River The Mekong River Can you list the countries that the Mekong flows through Laos Thailand Myanmar Cambodia Vietnam The countries the Mekong River flows through China Myanmar Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam the Lancang River 澜沧江 In China it is called the Mekong River Out of China it is called Reading Travel journal Prediction Read the title Travel journal and predict 预测 what the passage is mainly about The passage is mainly about Wang kun and his sister s and for taking a great along the Mekong River 思 1 What s the text mainly about plan bike trip dream 2 Match the main ideas of each paragraph Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 A Different attitudes between Wang Wei and Wang Kun B The preparations before the trip details about the Mekong River C Dream of taking a great bike trip along the Mekong River 1 After Wang Wei decided the places they would go she A prepared everything well B didn t decide when to leave and come back C would hesitate when meeting difficulties D knew the route very well 议展评 Task 1 Choose the correct answer B 2 Which sentence is NOT true according to the passage A Wang Wei advised Wang Kun to buy a mountain bike and he agreed B Wang Wei didn t knew the best way of finding the source of the Mekong River C The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters where it is hard to breathe and very cold D Two thirds of the Mekong River is in China 议展评 D 1 What can you see when you travel along the Mekong 议展评 glacier rapids valleys waterfalls and pains glacier waterfall plain valleyrapidshills 2 What difficulties did WangKun and Wang Wei meet in the journey The journey began at an altitude of more than5000 meters where it is hard to breathe and very cold bike Mekong River atlas mountain bike Task 2 Fill in the form stubborn organize cares about disagrees details Information about the Mekong River glacier the south China Sea clear quickly deep valleys wide valleys China warm pace Tibetan Mountains beginsglacier small clear cold Western Yunnan Province through deep valleys becomes rapids sometimes enterswide valleys becomeswaterfall leaves China wide brown warm becomes enters Southeast Asia throughlow valleys to the plains makeswide bends or meanders river delta enters the South China Sea 检 Retelling Ever since middle school Wang Wei and I have taking a great bike trip She me to buy an expensive mountain bike and she soon got our two cousins interested in cycling too After from college we finally got the chance to take the trip It was my sister who first had the idea to along the entire Me Kong River from where it begins to where it ends dreamt of persuaded graduating cycle My sister is a girl Although she didn t know the best way she insisted on the trip properly Once she has made up her mind nothing can change it Finally I had to to her Several months before our trip we went to the and found a large atlas with good maps showing of world geography From it we got much more about the Me Kong River We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China stubborn organizing give in library details information Homework 1 Finish the retelling task 2 Prepare for Learning about language
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