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Unit 2 Grammar 语法 Future Passive voice 一般将来时的被动语态 his daughter YaoMing s daughter is taught to play basketball teach 导 magic love LiuQian s magic is loved by many people many people 1 定义 英语动词除时态外 还有语态 语态指 的是句子中主语和谓语动词的关系 当主语是动 作的执行者时 谓语动词的形式就是主动语态 当主语是动作的承受者时 谓语动词的形式就是 被动语态 2 构成 被动语态由 bebe 及物动词的过去分词 及物动词的过去分词 构成 Passive voice 一般现在时的被动语态 1 the present passive voice 结构 Tom breaks the beautiful kite The beautiful kite is broken by Tom am is are 过去分词 一般过去时的被动语态 2 the past passive voice 结构 Our ancient people built the Great Wall The Great wall was built by our ancient people was were 过去分词 观察下列句子的时态和语态 思 1 Only athletes who have reached the agreed stardard for their event will be admitted as competitors 2 The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijibng China 3 A new village for the athletes and all the stadiums will be built to the east of London 4 New medals will be designed of course and 一般将来时的被动语态的构成 will be done 一般将来时被动语态的构成 1 will shall be done 2 be going to be done 3 be to be done 4 be about to be done The 2020 Olympics will be held in Tokyo The 2020 Olympics is going to be held in Tokyo 2020年奥运会将在东京举行 A new stadium will be built in Tokyo A new stadium is going to be built in Tokyo 东京将建造新的体育场 They will finish the work in ten days in ten days 主语宾语 The work 主语 will be finished by them 宾语 议 展 评 1 一般将来时主动语态转换被动语态 2 一般将来时的否定式及疑问式 The carrots will be eaten by the rabbits 否定式 The carrots will not be eaten by the rabbits 一般疑问式 Will the carrots be eaten by the rabbits 特殊疑问式 What will be eaten by the rabbits 主语 will not be done Will 主语 be done 特殊疑问词 will 主语 be done The rabbits will eat the carrots 被动语态 3 注意问题 1 短语变为被动时不能漏掉介词或副词 学以致用 1 Every minute ought to 充分利 用去学更多知识 2 He 高度评价 by our math teacher 3 Mr White can 信赖 when you are in trouble She will take good care of my cat be made full use of to learn more knowledge is highly thought of be relied on My cat will be taken good care of by her 3 一些带省to的不定式做宾补的使役和感官动词 在被动 中应补上to The boss made little Tom have two meals a day 学以致用 He was seen walk to school 2 带双宾的动词的被动句 习惯用间接宾语为主语 若 用直接宾语为主语 则需加介词to 或for于间接宾语之前 Tom will give me a present on my birthday 总结 类似情况下要还原to的使役动词有make have let 感官动词有see watch notice observe look at hear listen to A present will be given to me by Tom on my birthday Little Tom was made to have two meals a day to walk I will be given a present by Tom on my birthday 4 常见的无被动的动词或短语动词 1 The war in 1939 An accident last night The sports meeting next weekend 2 My money 用完了 3 The raincoat 属于 me broke out happened will take place ran out belongs to 5 主动表被动的若干现象 不定式中的现象The air was hard to breathe 动名词中的现象 有些动词与副词连用时 表示主语的特性 系动词与感官系动词没有被动 学以致用 This kind of ball pen which smoothly is quite popular with students A is written B writing C written D writes 1 The construction workers are going to put down the old temple 被动语态 2 They will give her a gold medal 被动语态 3 These trees are going to be cut down 否定式 4 The next Olympic Games will be held in 2020 划线部 分提问 She will be given a gold medal by them A gold medal will be given to her by them The old temple is going to be pulled down by the construction workers These trees are not going to be cut down 检 self checking When will the next Olympic Games be held 1 All competitors will be taking to their sports events at the correct time 2 Visitors will not allowed to stay in the building after 9 pm 3 The problem will be given much attention 4 He was seen enter the building 5 My bike requires repaired taken repairing beto to
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