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Grammar V ing form as adverbial 动词 ing形式作状语 Unit 5 The Power of Nature Revision 1 Seeing is believing 眼见为实 2 In the summer we enjoy sitting 坐 under the big tree 3 Her job is taking care of the babies 4 Standing in the street I don t know what to do 5 How can you keep her waiting in the rain 6 The man standing over there is my father Finish the sentences and tell the functions 主语 宾语 状语 表语 宾语补足语 定语 导 1 Though he knows where I live he never comes to see me where I live he never comes to see me 2 Because I didn t know her telephone number I didn t phone her her telephone number I didn t phone her Knowing Not knowing 原因状语 状语从句可以转换成为V ing 现在分词 或独立主格结构作状语 动词 ing形式 在句子中可作状语 完成下列句子 并指出V ing做何状语 思 让步状语从句 3 His parents died in the war and left him alone in the world His parents died in the war in the world 4 When you are crossing the road please be careful When please be careful crossing the road 时间状语 leaving him alone 结果状语 5 They sat in the garden and talked about the days they spent together They sat in the garden they spent together 6 If we see from the hill we find the lake looks more beautiful we find that the lake looks more beautiful talking about the days Seeing from the hill 伴随状语 条件状语 doingbeing done having done having been done 归纳总结 V ing 形式 notnot not not 议 展 评 学以致用 语法填空 1 wait in the queue for half an hour Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home 2016 北京 2 suffer such heavy pollution already the river may now be too late to be cleaned up Having waited Having suffered 议 展 评 观察下列2个句子 体会having done与doing的相似和不同 之处 1 Having written the letter John went to the post office 2 Seeing the beautiful sight the children felt excited 总结 相似之处 having done与doing在句子中做 何成分 不同之处 having done 表示动作发生在主句谓语动作 doing 表示动作和主语的谓语动作 状语 前面 几乎 同时发生 练习 1 刷完牙 Mr Brown came downstairs for breakfast 2 give her opinion about protecting the environment she left the meeting 3 arrive at the station he found the train had left Having brushed Having given Arriving 2 现在分词的否定形式 现在分词的否定形式是 学以致用 try his best he failed in the exam 由于没有尽最大努力 他这次考试没有通过 not never 现在分词 Not having tried 评论性状语 少数现在分词短语不表示主语 的动作 而表示说话人的态度 在句中独立存 在修饰全句 常用的评论性状语有哪些 generally speaking 一般来说 frankly speaking坦白地说 judging from从 来判断 providing that personally speaking briefly speaking 假如 taking into consideration 考虑到 seeing that既然 鉴于 assuming 假如 considering考虑到 用括号内动词的正确形式填空 1 When enter the room I felt some change in the atmosphere at once 2 see the movie before I don t want to see it again 3 discover that he had a talent for music the shop assistant gave up his job to become a professional singer 4 be ill for three weeks her mother felt rather weak entering Having seen Discovering Having discovered Having been 检 5 warn that bad weather lay ahead the ship s captain changed course 6 There be ice on the road the driver was told to slow down 7 use by me now the bike can t be lent to you 由于我正在使用 这辆自行车不能借给你 8 use for many years the bike needs repairing 已经使用了多年了 这辆自行车需要修理 Having been warned being Being used Having been used 2 After we had stopped the car we found ourselves trapped in thick fog and couldn t see clearly ahead the car we found ourselves trapped in thick fog and couldn t see clearly ahead Having stopped 3 Because I had spent all night reading the documents I was very tired the next day all night reading the documents I was very tired the next day Having spent 4 As the child had never seen a rainbow before he was very excited a rainbow before he was very excited Having never seen Sometimes adverbial clauses introduced by when after as because and so on can be replaced by the ing form
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