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Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting 第二课时一、汉译英。1.参加_ 2.最喜欢的运动_3.不管怎样_ 4.赢得比赛_5.运动会_二、单项选择。( ) 1. I _ the New Star Game yesterday. A. lose B. lost C. losed( ) 2. _, you are right. A. Anyway B. What C. How( ) 3. Whats your favourite sports? My favourite sport is_. A. long jump B. singer C. driver( ) 4. I was the _ in the 100-meter race. A. one B. first C. two( ) 5. What sport did you _? A. took part in B. took part C. take part in三、补全对话。A: We have a sport meeting next week.B:1. _A:2. _B: What sport will you take part in?A:3. _B: How often do you play sports? A: 4. _B:5. _ A: Yes, I am very expect.B: Take it easy!答案:一、1. take part in 2. favourite sport 3. anyway 4. win the game 5. sports meeting二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C三、1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. E2
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