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unit4usinglanguage 答案 1 Whywillthecityopenanewpark A Tohonourthosewhodiedandthosewhohelpedthesurvivorsinthedisaster B Tohonourthestudentswhohavewonthespeakingcompetition C ToshowrespecttotheheroeswhodiedforthenewTangshan D ToshowrespecttothepeoplewhoworkforthenewTangshan 答案 2 WhendidtheterribleearthquakehappeninTangshan A OnAugust26 B OnAugust27 C OnJuly27 D OnJuly28 1 2 3 答案 3 What sthespeakingcompetitionabout A TheearthquakewhichhappenedinTangshan B TheoldTangshan C NewTangshan D NewChina 1 为了纪念 2 为某事向某人祝贺3 根据 判断 4 向 表示谢意 5 beknownfor 6 comefrom 7 raisemoney 8 wishtodosth 9 getawayfrom 重点短语 inhonourof congratulatesbonsth judge by expressone sthanks 因 而出名 来自 筹钱 希望做某事 逃离 摆脱 议展评 congratulationn 复数 贺词v 祝贺congratulationstosb onsth 为某事向某人祝贺 学以致用 1 用congratulate的正确形式填空 Let sgoandhimonbeingacceptedasaPLAman Iwanttoexpressmysincereonyoursuccess congratulations congratulate congratulatesb onsth congratulate congratulations judgen vt judgesb sth tobe n adj judgethat judge by from judgingby from 裁判员 法官 判定 判断 判决 判断 认为 是 认为 是 根据 判断 从 来判断 1 完成句子 我们不能以貌取人 Wecan thislooks 老师断定他是诚实的 Theteacher Theteacher 2 单句改错Judgedfromhisappearance weknowheisadoctor 即时跟踪 答案 judgeapersonby from judgedhimtobehonest judgedthathewashonest Judging hono u rv n inhonourof givehonourto be feelhonoured todosth havethehonourofsth ofdoingsth 给予荣誉 尊敬 荣誉 敬意 为了纪念 向 表示敬意 做某事 感到荣幸 得到某种特殊荣誉 有幸做某事 1 完成句子 这座纪念碑是为纪念为国牺牲的士兵而建造的 Themonumentwasbuiltthesoldierswhodiedforthecountry 我有荣幸请您跳舞吗 MayIwithyou 答案 inhonourof 即时跟踪 havethehonourofdancing 2 单句改错Idofeelquitehonourtobeinvitedthere honoured 即时跟踪 1 这对父母为他们的孩子的成功而骄傲 Theparentsinthesuccessoftheirchild Theparentsofthesuccessoftheirchild 2 单句改错You dbetternothurthispride Heisaprideofhisparents 答案 takepride areproud the beproudof takespridein为 而自豪 1 Hangzhouiswell knownitsbeautifulWestLake A toB forC asD in2 hisaccent hemustbefrommyhometown A JudgebyB JudgingbyC JudgedbyD Tojudgeby3 Thestadiumwasnamedtheclub sfirstchairman A InhonourofB InpraiseofC InfavorofD Inchargeof 检 self checking B B A 1 Shecongratulatedmewarmlyinmyexamresults 2 I dliketoexpressmythanktoyouforwhatyoudidalltheseyears 3 Judgefromwhathesaid hewasverydisappointed 4 Wecongratulatedtohimonhavingpassedtheexamination 改错 on thanks Judging
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