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第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:国际会议chairman主持词第二篇:国际会议第三篇:国际会议第四篇:国际会议中心第五篇:2014国际会议通知更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:国际会议chairman主持词 the first china unconventional gas summit distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! i am the chairwoman of the china unconventional gas summit. it is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to beijing to discuss various aspects of unconventional gas. i hope that this summit will provide opportunity for academic exchange and contribute to the development of unconventional gas in china. now i declare the china unconventional gas summit is open!please allow me to introduce todays speakers. they are yuan dandan and hu ying, who both are professors of china university of petroleum. they will jointly deliver a speech titled “prospect and development of shale gas in china”. lets welcome them. thanks professor yuan and professor hu for their excellent presentation. do you have any questions about it? any other question? thank you again for your excellent explanation. okay, as time is limited, i am sorry to say that this session has to stop here. now we come to the end of this summit. on behalf of all the members of the organizing committee, i wish to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in this congress to make it such a success. and now, i declare the china unconventional gas summit closed. thank you! 第二篇:国际会议 国际会议:2014 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering (icese 2014)post by:2014-7-24 19:09:28 只看该作者 2014 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering may. 26, 2014 news! the icese 2014 papers are available in the vol.8 of ipcbee. (click) mar.16, 2014 news! the conference program of icese 2014 is available now. (click) welcome to the official website of the 2014 2nd international conference on environment science and ed during april 7-8 2014, in bangkok, thailand. icese 2014, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, ehe practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. change and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of environment scie the conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and expsensors and related areas. icese 2014 will be published in one volume of ipcbee, and all papers will be y digital library, and indexed by thomson isi (we(请您继续关注好范文网wWw.hAowOrD.com)b of knowledge). call for papers 2014 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering, icese 2014 is the premier forum for esearch results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied environment science and engineering. the confereers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. topics of interest for submission include, environmental science and technology environmental dynamics meteorology hydrology geophysics atmospheric physics physical oceanography global environmental change and ecosystems management climate and climatic changes global warming ozone layer depletion carbon capture and storage biofuels integrated ecosystems management satellite applications in the environment environmental restoration and ecological engineering habitat reconstruction biodiversity conservation deforestation wetlands landscape degradation and restoration ground water remediation soil decontamination eco-technology bio-engineering environmental sustainability resource management life cycle analysis environmental systems approach renewable sources of energy-energy savings clean technologies sustainable cities health and the environment health related organisms hazardous substances and detection techniques biodegradation of hazardous substances toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring indoor air pollution water resources and river basin management regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification public participation economic instruments modeling and decision support tools
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