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【文库独家】2020年仁爱版英语八年级下学期 Unit 5 Feeling Excited一选择题1Staying in good spirit is very importantSo we should follow the advice to help us study and work betterListen to light music to relax ourselvesDo sports and keep a healthy eating habitStay up late to work harderIf we are in trouble,get help from others or the InternetKeep silent when feeling nervous()ABCD2Michael will take part in 100meter raceDo you think he will win?SureIm confident about _()AmeBhimCmyselfDhimself3Would you like to go shopping with me?_Lets go()AYes,pleaseBNo,thanksCYes,Id love toDSorry4_ have a picnic with us?Sounds great()AWhy dontBWhy not youCWhy noDWhy dont you5Li Lei did quite _ in the English competitionYes,but Maria did even _()Awell; betterBgood; betterCbetter; wellDwell; good6Look!The children _ in the river()AswimBare swimmingCis swimmingDswims7Would you like to come and play soccer, Jim?_()ANo, I wouldntBGood idea!CThank you8I cant get a ticket _ the film, so I will see it next time()AofBatCtoDabout9Peter,you didnt come to work this morningWhats wrong?Last night I worked until 1oclockAnd _ made me sickThe boss asked me to have a rest()Astayed up lateBstay up lateCstaying up lateDto stay up late10I am not used to the food here He isnt, _()AtooBalsoCeitherDstill11Dad, Im worried about the relay raceDont worry Do your best and you will do it _()AgoodBwellCmuchDmany12I want to see the movie,but I have no tickets_()AOf courseBWhat a pity!CEnjoy yourselfDIts great fun13The parents dont like staying up late Their children dont like it, _()AeitherBtooCalsoDas well14Excuse me,do you have any basketballs? Sorry,we dont have any _()AOh,I want to buy itBThank you all the sameCByebyeDIt doesnt matter15Is Tom doing his homework in the room? He is listening to music()AYes, he doesBYes, he isCNo, he isnt16Whats your plan for this Sunday?Ill _ the evening with my friends()AspendBstayCtakeDpay17I like quiet places _makes me upset()ANoiseBSoundCShoutDWord18Your mother bought you a new bike 选择出句子结构正确的一组()AS+V+PBS+V+OCS+V+IO +DODS + V19I feel more relaxed now because of your help Which sentence structure does the sentence belong to (属于)?()AS+V + OBS+V + PCS + VDS + V + O + OC20Kates grandmother lives in a house_, but she doesnt feel _()Aalone; aloneBlonely; lonelyCalone; lonelyDlonely; alone二填空题21Helen is brave,Sue is brave,too(合并为一句)Helen is brave Sue22The teacher is very s with her students23Lucy is polite and (乐于助人的)We all like her24你想知道钥匙在哪儿,你可以这么问: ?25用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整,通顺smile,they,spend,know,surprise,understand,question,our,happy,feelingJacks uncle lives in a villageThis summer Jack went to stay with himHe (1) his holiday thereEvery day they went out for a walk and his uncle(2) at everyoneJack didnt(3) and asked,Uncle George,do you know (4) around here?No,said his uncleThen why do you smile at them?asked JackWell,when I smile at someone,if he (5) me,hell be happyBut when I smile at someone,even though he doesnt know me,hell feel(6) and think,Who is that man?Why does he smile at me?Hell think about these(7) all the way,and he will be (8) ,tooSo I give everyone happy(9) I think nobody refuses the smilesI see,Uncle GeorgeBeing kind to others is also be kind to (10) ,Jack said happily三完形填空26What is happiness ? Maybe everyone has his own answers In fact, people, rich or poor, can have (36) You dont need to think too much about the rich Why? (37) people with big houses may often feel (38) and people with too much money may worry (39) it, and they cant sleep very wellHappiness is always around you When you have (40) , your friends will come to help you and this will surely(41) you happy When you study hard at your lessons, youll get good grades and you will feel happy about it When you are not(42) well, your parents will take good care of your (43) and you will be happy when you are well again All these are your happinessWhen you are poor, you (44) can say you are happy because you may have something else that money cant buy When you have problems, say loudly you are happy as you have more chances to challenge ( 挑战 ) yourself so that you can succeed in what you do and this may(45) you happiness1 A happyB happilyC happiness2 A BecauseB SoC But3 A aloneB lonelyC happy4 A toB about
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