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Cultural corner 1 What does WWF stand for WWF stand for World Wide Fund for Nature 2 What kind of work does WWF do Its work is to protect nature Pre reading 1 What is the aim of the organization It s aim is to protect the natural habitats of wide animals in danger of extinction 2 When and where was WWF founded It was founded in the UK in 1961 Reading 3 Who designed the famous panda logo It was designed by the painter and naturalist Peter Scott 4 What has the WWF been doing since the 1980s It has been interested in all activities which have an effect on the environment It has been working with the Chinese government since 1980 5 What did the organization do in China in 1980 and 1995 In 1980 Dr George Shaller arrived to work with Chinese scientists on the panda project In 1995 the organization set up an office in Beijing 1 stand for是 的缩写 支持 倡导 容忍 What do the letters PLA stand for PLA 这几个字母代表什么 We will not stand for impertinent behavior 我们不会容忍不礼貌的行为 The party is trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy 这个政党正试图给人民造成一种印象 那就是只有他们才支持民主 2 introduce into 引进 引入 introduce sb to sb 将 介绍给 introduce oneself to sb 向 做自我介绍 Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America 烟叶是从美洲传入欧洲的 Mary introduced one of her friend to me 玛丽将她的一个朋友介绍给了我 At the meeting we introduced ourselves to each 会上 我们互相做了自我介绍 3 set up 建立 成立 安装 A new government was set up after the Civil War 内战后一个新的政府建了起来 I set up the computer so that they could work from home 我把电脑安装好 以便使他们能在家工 作 The two sides agreed to set up a commission to look into the matter 双方同意成立一个委员会 对此事进 行调查 4 Monitor n 班长 监控器 监视器 v 监控 监视 The radar station was monitoring the enemy planes 雷达站正在监视敌机 We elected him monitor of our class 我们选他当班长 She is staring at her computer monitor 她正盯着电脑显示器看呢
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