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七年级英语复习资料 二 Uint One Where is your pen pal from 一 重点句子 1 Where is your pen pal pen friend from He is from comes from Australia 2 Where does he live He lives in Pairs 3 What language do you speak I speak English 4 Does she have any brothers or sisters 注意 选择疑问句回答是不用yes 或 no 5 What s her favorite subject Her favorite subject is 6 Is that you new pen pal Yes it is No it isn t 7 They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports 9 Can you write to me soon 10 Please write and tell me about yourself 二 重点词组 短语及个别词的用法 1 be from come from 13 France 法国 French 法语 法国的 2 Japanese for kids 儿童日语14 Japan 日本 Japanese 日语日本人 3 Chinese is fun 趣味汉语 4 Our world in English 英语世界15 China 中国 Chinese 汉语 中国人 5 French for today 今日法语 6 live in 地点住在 16 Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚人 7 a little 一点儿 修饰不可数名词 Little 几乎没有 8 like to do sth like doing sth 喜欢做某事 9 on weekends 在周末 10 Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加拿大人 11 the United States the USA America 美国 American 美国人 12 the United Kingdom the UK England 英国 English 英国人 注意 Japanese 与 Chinese 的复数形式与原形相同 city cities country countries Unit Two Is there a post office near hear 一 重点句子 1 Is there a bank near here Yes there is 注意there be 句型 2 Where is the It s 注意某地有某物的表达 3 Just go straight and turn left 4 It s down Bridge Street on the right 5 Thank you very much You are welcome 6 Turn left on first Avenue and enjoy the city s quiet streets and small parks 7 Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue 8 This is the beginning of the garden tour 9 Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden 10 Bridge Street is a good place to have fun 11 If you re hungry you can buy some food in the supermarket 12 I know you are arriving next Sunday 13 Let me tell the way to my house 14 You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street 15 Go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park 16 I hope you have a good trip Thank you 二 重点词组 短语及用法 1 there be is are was were 句型的用法 2 library libraries 3 on Center Street 在某条街用on 在左边 右边用on 在拐弯处 在拐角用at 4 near here in the neighborhood 在附近 5 across from 在 对面next to 紧挨着 6 in front of 在 之前 behind 在 之后 in the front of 在 前面 指物体内部的前面 7 Excuse me 8 turn left right左 右转on left right在左 右边 on one s left right在某人的左 右边 9 on the left right side of sth 在某物的左 右边 10 go straight 一直往前走 11 clean dirty new old quiet busy small big 12 an old hotel 一个旧的旅馆 13 welcome to 欢迎到 14 take a walk through 步行通过 15 have fun doing sth 做谋事开心 16 at the beginning of 在 开始 17 arrive at 小地点arrive at school arrive in 大地点arrive in Beijing 18 the way to 到 的路 19 take a taxi bus 乘出租车 公共汽车 20 go down 沿着 21 几种问路的同义句 Where is the Can you tell me the way to How can I get to Which is the way to Unit There Why do you like koalas 一 重点句型 1 Let s see the pandas first 2 Why do you want to see the lions Because they re cute 3 Do you like 4 What animals do you like 5 What other animals do you like I like dogs too 6 She likes to play with her friends and eat grass 7 Please be quiet 8 Isn t he cute 9 He sleeps during the day but at night he gets up and eats leaves 10 He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day 二 重点词组 短语及用法 1 let sb do sth 让某人做某事 2 why Because 3 an elephant an animal 4 an interesting 名词一个有趣的 5 kind of 形容词有几分It s kind of interesting a kind of 一种a kind of movies all kinds of different kinds of 各种各样的all kinds of books 6 be friendly to sb 对某人友好She is friendly to us 7 other 别的 后面经常跟名词 词组 one the other I have two pens one is new the other one is old What other questions do you want to ask else 别的 其它的 放在疑问词或不定代词之后 anything else what else do you want to ask 8 like 的用法 like 像 介词 be like look like sound like like 喜欢 动词 like sth like to do sth like doing sth What is he like What does he look like 他长什么样 What does he like 他喜欢什么 9 play with sth 玩某物play with sb和某人一起玩 10 grass 草 不可数名词 11 be quiet 安静 12 during the day in the day 在白天at night 在夜晚 13 leaf leaves 14 relax 放松 休息 be relaxed 感到轻松 主语是人 be relaxing 令人轻松 主语是物 He relaxes 8 hours a day I went to the beach yesterday I was very relaxed Music is very relaxing Unit Four I want to be an actor 一 重点句子 1 My uncle works in that restaurant 2 What does he do what is he what is his job 3 What do you do what are you what is your job 4 What does Ann s mother do what is Ann s mother 5 What do you want to be I want to be a an 6 What does she want to be She wants to be a an 7 I work with people and money 8 people give me their money or get their money from me 9 I like talking to people 10 I work late I m very busy when people go out to dinners 11 I wear a whit uniform and I help doctors 12 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night 13 I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions 14 Does she work late Yes she does No she doesn t 15 It s an exciting job 16 If your answer is Yes then we have a job for you as a reporter 17 Do you want to work for a magazine 18 Do you want to work with other young people 19 Do you want to be in the school play 20 We need an actor today 21 We are an international schoo
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