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6B U4 Road safetyApril 11, 2015一短语和句子爱背就背,不背拉倒!1. help you understand the text 帮你理解课文2. There are many busy road in the city.在城市里有很多繁忙的街道。3. cross them safely 安全的通过它们4. look for a zebra crossing 寻找斑马线5. look at the traffic lights 看交通灯6. wait for the green man 等绿灯7. see the red man 看见红灯8. You mustnt cross the road now. 现在你禁止穿过马路9. Heres the green man. 这是绿灯。10.find a zebra crossing near you 找到你附近的斑马线11.to keep safe 为了保持安全12.wait on the pavement 在人行道上等13.look out for cars and bikes 14.first look left, then right and then left again 小心汽车和自行车首先看左边,接着右边,然后再左边15.see you easily很容易看到你 16. cross the road with other people和其他人一起穿过马路17.some children 一些孩子18.run or play football on the road 在马路上跑或者踢足球19.mustnt play on the road 禁止在马路上玩20.There are many cars and bikes. 有许多的汽车和自行车。21.follow the rules 遵守规则22.stay safe on the road 在马路上保持安全23.to cross a busy road safely 24.before we cross the road为了安全地通过繁忙的马路在我们通过马路之前25.What must you do to cross the road safely? 26.What must you not do on the road?为了安全的通过马路你必须做什么?在马路上你禁止做什么?27.run quickly on the road 在马路上跑得很快28.There he is! 他在那里。29.in the UK 在英国30.drive on the left side of the road 在马路的左边开车31.except Hong Kong and Macau 除了香港和澳门32.drive on the right side of the road 在马路的右边开车33.go to see their aunt 去看他们的阿姨34.How do we get to your house? 我们怎么到你家?35.take the bus 乘公交车36.get on the bus 上公交车37.Theyre going fast.它们正快速地行驶。38.There are so many cars on the road. 在马路上有如此多的车。39.The bus goes on. 公交车继续行驶。40.Why does the bus stop here? 公交车为什么停在这?41.There arent any traffic lights here. 42.Why is the bus stopping again? 这儿没有一些交通灯。公交车为什么又在停?43.some elephants 一些大象44.stop and wait 停下来等45.go to see the doctor 去看病46.Youre sick. 你病了。47.classroom rules 教室规则48.keep your desk clean and tidy保持你的桌子干净整洁49.play ball games 玩球类游戏50.talk loudly 大声地交谈51.listen to your teachers in class 在课堂上听你老师的话二,知识点解读爱看就看,不看拉倒!知识点1:road saftey道路安全Safety 作名词:安全 Safety 对应词 danger 作形容词:safe 作副词:safely练习:Tim knows how to cross the street _. You cant play on the road.Its not_.Miss Green is talking about traffic _.1. This is not . 2. How can we cross the road_? (此两题safe适当形式)【回顾】Jim can draw a tiger.It is _for him.(easy) Miss Li can_make a cake.(easy)选择题( )1.The girl came to help an old man cross the road _. A. safe B.safely C.safety知识点2:There are many busy roads in the city. there be句型的十大原则;busy形容词on a busy street 繁忙的街道介词on是权限问题,如同:in the morning on a cold morning in the afternoon on a hot afternoon 一个a加上形容权限提高,不是下面的英美式【回顾拓展】in the street (英) / on the street (美) 在街上in the road (英) / on the road (美) 在路上in the team (英) / on the team (美) 在这个队at the weekend (英) / on the weekend (美) 在周末at weekends (英) / on weekends (美) 在周末in bed / on the bed 在床上【没有其他用法】in the tree (多指树外之物) / on the tree (多指树本身之物) 在树上be busy doing/ be busy with sth忙于做某事练习:1.My father is busy _(work) in the hospital.我的父母经常忙于看电影。_.知识点3:How can you cross them safely?cross 动词 cross the road/cross the street区别across 介词 go cross the road =cross the streeta zebra crossing 斑马线(动名词) crossing名词:十字路口turning 动名词:拐弯处练习:( )1、Can you tell me how _the road? A、cross B、to cross C、across D、to across( )2、Be careful to look left and right before you go _ the road. A. across B. will cross C. cross D. crossing知识点4:You must look for a zebra crossing.look for寻找(过程)=find找到,发现(结果) find out the truth/the reason/the secret选择题( )1.Im _the way now,But I cant _where it is. A、looking for;looking for B、looking for;find C、is finding;look for D、is finding;find 情态助动词的用法【总括】:表示说话人的情绪、态度或与语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语,无人称和数的变化,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。所谓情态助动词+V否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 “not”。个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气。情态动词属非及物动词,故没有被动语态。【情态动词有四类】: 只做情态动词:must, can(could)再次强调could可能时态,可能婉转语气,may(might)可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need,(做情态助动词和实义动词用法大不同need 是一个情态动词,他的用法完全和其他情态动词一样,但 need 还可当作实义动词使用,这时 need 就象其他动词一样,有第三人称,单复数, 后面加带 to 的动词等特性。) dare (暂时不做要求)具有情态动词特征:have(had, has) to(稍后阐述), used to(初中特别重要,年年中考题)情态动词表猜测 (暂时不做要求)注:must do表示主观必须做,have to do不得不做,表客观必须做(little baby一题有区别论述)。 must的否定mustnt意思是禁止,严禁。【must用法】Must用法小学阶段掌握以下几点一、表“必须”。You must talk to them about their study.你必须同他们谈谈关于他们学习的事。二.在否定结构中表不许。You mustnt leave here.你不能离开这儿。三.关于must的简短回答:Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫餐厅吗?肯定回答:Yes, you must. 是的。否定回答有两种:No, you neednt.不必马上打扫。(No, you dont have to.)【have to 用法】小学阶段必须掌握以下几点;一、have to后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性。二、have to 有时态,人称变化,例如: I have to do some washing. She has to look after her little sister. I had to do my homework last night.三、have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。have to 的否定式是dont have to; has to 的否定式是doesnt have to; had to 的否定式是didnt have to
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