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【文库独家】Module 6 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.I.单词1 n人(通常指成年人) 2 n兴趣;爱好3 n技能;技艺 4 n活动5 n航海;航行 6 n结果;后果7 n愉悦;快乐 8 n成功;成就II.短语9 鼓励某人做某事 10 出版11 结果 12 对感兴趣13 给某人带来成功III.句子14爱好能让你成长,发展你的爱好并且帮助你学习新的技能。Hobbies can make you a person,develop your and help you new skills15在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营花了四周的时间。 the summer of 2000,he four weeks a summer camp16然后她鼓励我们描写我们在夏令营的经历。 Then she encouraged us about our experiences at the .17大卫非常幸运因为他的爱好已经带给他乐趣和成功。David has been very because his hobby has him and 18他还对许多其他事情感兴趣。 He is also many other things.根据首字母或汉语提示亮成句子19I like seaSo s is my dream20She takes an i in collecting stamps21What s have you learned from growing vegetables?22He is a very nice (人)to work with23Dont give upYou know hard work leads to (成功)24Watchingsports gave him great (愉悦,快乐),25We should take part in all kinds of (活动)V.用所给词的适当形式填空26She spends two hours (play)baseball after school every day27A good habit can help you (work)better28We should encourage the children (do)good things for the people29Collecting stamps is one of my (hobby)30I take part in all kinds of (activity)VI.单项填空( )31-Do you like Zhou Libos talk show? -YesHis talk show is very funnyIt always makes people Alaugh Blaughed Claughing Dto laugh( )32Jessicas parents always encourage her out her opinions Aspeak Bspeaking Cto speak Dwill speak( )33My best friend,Zhang Lei is interested Aat playing the basketball Bin playing the basketball Cat play basketball Din playing basketball( )34 a result,he became a famous doctorHis several famous papers have . ATo,came out BAs,come out CAs,comes out DTo,coming out( )35She can danceI can dance Atoo Beither Cas well Dalso用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空as a result,such as,as well as,encourage,be interested in36Jane is good at singing dancing37At our school you can try lots of new activities, creative writing and playing the piano38He foreign culture39The Harry Potter stories were very popular and ,more teenagers began to enjoy reading than ever before40Our teacher always us to study hard根据汉语意思完成句子41他学习好多科目,比如英语,数学和语文。 He learns many subjects, English,math and Chinese42老师们鼓励我们写一写我们的经历。 Teachers us about our experiences43当我小的时候,我奶奶经常讲有趣的故事。 When I was young,my grandmother often 44她的祖父母很喜欢种植蔬菜。 Her grandparents like very much45这本书在他年龄还小的时候就出版了。 The book at his early age根据短文内容完成下列各题 Do you have any hobbies?If students dont have any interests except schoolwork,they may become boring people,and this can influence(影响)their studies Studying without relaxing isnt good for healthWe cant get good grades if we dont have good healthWe should make use of our free timeWe should do something we likeSome people like singin9,taking photos and drawing pictures Other people prefer collecting stamps,reading or shoppingI have a few hobbies,but my favourite one is collecting stamps我最喜欢它是因为我能从邮票中学到很多东西。 Some people collect stamps because they can make money from the stampsBut I am just interested in collecting them and enjoy looking at them when I am freeStamp collecting is becoming more and more popular all over the worldI know an Australian boy and a French girl through the InternetThey all like collecting stampsWe show our stamps to each other onlineThat is cool根据短文内容回答问题。46Is studying without relaxing good or bad for our health? 47What is the writers favourite hobby? 请将短文中画线句子译成汉语。48 请将短文中画线句子译成英语。49 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。50 参考答案I1person 2interest 3.skill 4activity 5sailing 6result 7pleasure 8success9.encourage sbto do sth 10come out 11as a result 12be interested in 13br
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