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第三课时Section A (2dGrammar) A基础起航 . 根据句意和首字母提示完成句中单词。1Why did you put some green beans_ into the soup?2By the time my husband got back to the market_, I had already finished cooking lunch.3A workday_ is a day on which people have to go to work.4My little sister loves apple pies_very much.来源:学。科。网5Jim always puts cream_in the coffee while Jack puts sugar. 用适当的单词填空。1This Monday my alarm clock didnt go _off_ and I got up late.2The boy put _on_ his soccer shoes and then rushed _out_3My sister always gets up early. She is never late _for_ work.4I spent _at_ least 200 dollars on these things.5When Tara woke _up_, she found nobody was at home.6Mr. Brown is leaving _for_ Shanghai tomorrow. Wed better say bye to him today.来源:学。科。网7_By_ the end of last year, there had been four traffic accidents happening at this crossing.8When I was _in_ line _with_ other students on the playground, it was raining heavily suddenly. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。show up, wake up, be about to, arrive at, find out, wait for, give me a lift, run off, on time1.Linda, can you _arrive_at_ the bus stop at 9:00 am.?2Mr. Xiao _was_about_to_ leave when he heard a knock on the door.3I invited him for 8 oclock, but he didnt _show_up_ until 9:30.4We need to _find_out_ more about these night courses.来源:Z,xx,k.Com5By the time I _woke_up_, my father had already got into the bathroom.6There is somebody in the teachers office. I have to _wait_for_ him to come out.7Luckily, Tony and his dad _gave_me_a_ride_ in his dads car. I was only 3 minutes late.8After breakfast, I _ran_off_ to the bus stop, but it had just left.来源:Zxxk.Com9Please be _on_time_ next time. Being late is impolite.B语法扬帆 . 用括号中所给的词的适当形式完成句子。1By yesterday morning, he _had_called_(call) me ten times.2The patient _had_died_ (die) when the doctor arrived.3I saw Lin Fei yesterday. We _hadnt_met_ (not meet) each other for five years.4I returned the book that I_had_borrowed_(borrow)5He said that he _had_known_ (know) her well.来源:学科网ZXXK6The game _had_been_ (be) on for half an hour when I got there.7They _had_done_ (do) the work by 10 oclock yesterday morning.8The pop singers _had_left_ (leave) when I got to the music hall last night. What a pity!C提升冲浪 . 完形填空。I looked carefully at the face of my 23yearold son, Daniel. In a few hours he would be _1_ to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and experience another style of _2_ in a different country far away from the US.It was a(n) _3_ time in Daniels life, a step from college into the adult world. I wanted to _4_ him some meaningful words. But _5_ came from my lips (嘴边). I stood quietly, looking into the searching eyes of my son.It was _6_ to say something to my son. I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment _7_. When he was five, I took him to the bus stop on his first day of kindergarten (幼儿园). I felt he was very _8_ as the bus came near. I saw his face turn red as the bus _9_. He looked at me as he did now.My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always regretted never hearing him put his feelings into words and _10_ having the memory of that moment. Why is it so hard to tell his _11_ something from his heart? My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to say only a few words _12_“Daniel,” I said, “If I could have picked, I would have picked you.” I wasnt sure whether he understood _13_ I meant or not. Then he came toward me and threw his _14_ around me. For a moment, the world and all the other people _15_, and there were just Daniel and me in our home by the sea.(A)1.A.flying BridingCdriving Dshipping(B)2.A.art BlifeCstudy Dfashion(D)3.A.easy BboringCcomfortable Dimportant(B)4.A.take BleaveCrecord Dwrite(C)5.A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything(A)6.A.difficult BsurprisedCeasy Drare(B)7.A.forget BpassCwaste Dremember(D)8.A.gentle BhappyCfamous Dnervous(A)9.A.stopped BopenedCshook Ddrove(D)10.A.always BusuallyCoften Dnever(D)11.A.father BmotherCdaughter Dson(C)12.A.hardly BhardCclearly Dclear(A)13.A.what BwhichCwhere Dthat(C)14.A.feet BlegsCarms Dhands(B)15.A.cheered BdisappearedClaughed Dcried. 阅读短文,根据语境填入合适的单词或用括号中词语的适当形式填空。Although I was never a thin girl, I was always fit because I played basketball from the 5th grade right through college. 1._But_ after graduation, I got 2._married_ (marry)and gave up playing basketball. Then I started eating too much. In 10 years, my weight increased 3._from_ 175 to 245 pounds. What was even worse, my son picked up a bad 4._eating_(eat) habit. As a fouryearold boy, he
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