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仁爱版英语八年级上册测试题 Unit 3 单元综合检测 考试时间 100 分钟 满分 120 分 题号 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分 第一部分听力 25 分 听句子 选择正确图片 每个句子读一遍 5 分 1 2 3 4 5 听句子 选择正确答语 每个句子读一遍 5 分 6 A No problem B Thank you C Not at all 7 A It s very kind of you B Have a good time C All right 8 A That s right B I ve no idea C I m OK 9 A I m sorry B What a pity C That s nothing 10 A My Heart Will Go on B The Lord of the Rings C Country music 听对话及问题 选择正确答案 每组对话及问题读两遍 5 分 11 A It s snowing B It s raining C It s blowing strongly 12 A Rock music B Country music C Light music 13 A America B England C Germany 14 A He can play the guitar B He can play the violin C He can play the drums 15 A She was doing her homework B She was having dinner with her parents C She was chatting with her parents 听对话 判断正 T 误 F 对话读两遍 5 分 16 Mike is going to the post office 17 Watching TV is Mike s hobby 18 Mike wants to be a teacher when he grows up 19 Alice likes growing vegetables 20 There is a garden in front of Alice s house 听短文 选择正确答案 短文读两遍 5 分 21 Where is Lily A She is at school gate B She is at the bookshop C She is in the library 22 What is Lily going to do then A She is going home B She is going to catch a bus C She is going to buy a newspaper at the post office 23 Where is the post office A Next to the bookshop B At the second turning C In the next street 24 Is she going to stay in the post office for a long time A No she isn t B Yes she is C I don t know 25 When is she going back home A At six o clock B At five o clock C Before five o clock 第二部分基础知识运用 65 分 单项选择 15 分 1 Could you me your bike please Sorry I m using it You can Jack s A borrow lent B borrowed lend C borrow lend D lend borrow 2 You must stop My father is sleeping A talk B talking C to talk D talks 3 After hard work he felt tired to walk A so B to C too D very 4 I was at the cinema at nine o clock yesterday evening What about you I TV at home A am watching B was watching C will watch D watched 5 Do you have to say today No nothing A something important B nothing important C important something D anything important 6 do you think of the story Just so so A What B How C Which D Why 7 Anhui is famous Mount Huang Many visitors all over the world come to visit it A as B for C of D to 8 Michael is fond of but I prefer A travel read B travelling reading C to travel to read D travelling read 9 I think classical music is pleasant I think it s boring A I agree B I think so C I don t agree D I don t know 10 coins is my hobby because they are interesting And I like them very much A Collect B To collect C Collecting of D Collecting 11 He is very strong He lift the heavy box A can B need C must D have to 12 Coffee is ready It very nice Would you like some A feels B smells C sounds D looks 13 My is keeping pets I am in dogs A interest interested B interests interested C interest interesting D interests interesting 14 The students were singing an English song Mr Xiang came in the classroom A after B when C before D as 15 Why not fishing Sounds great Let s go A go B going C to go D to going 情景交际 10 分 A 根据对话情景 在空白处填入合适的句子 5 分 A Hi Li Dong Tomorrow is Saturday 16 B Well we have decided on one thing We re going to the Great Wall for a picnic A Oh Sounds great 17 B We re going there by bus A 18 B Everyone should wear sports shoes A When and where are you leaving B We re leaving at the bus stop at 6 00 tomorrow morning A 19 B We re going hiking A 20 B For a whole day We ll be back at 4 50 in the afternoon A Well have a good time Show me your photos when we get back to school B Thanks I will B 根据对话情景 在空白处填入合适的句子 5 分 A Where did you go last night I called you but nobody answered B Oh 21 A At about half past eight 22 B I wasn t at home then I was at the cinema with my parents A Cinema 23 B The Lord of the Rings A 24 B It is so wonderful The music is sweet and pleasant A Yes you are right I saw that movie on TV B 25 A Well I wanted to borrow your English Chinese dictionary Is it here B Yes here you are 完形填空 10 分 Mr White liked shooting very much When he had time he 26 shooting with his friends But one summer he said to himself I haven t been to the mountains before My holiday 27 soon so I m going to go to the mountains to 28 deer That must be interesting I think So 29 his holiday came Mr White went to the station 30 his ticket for the small station near the mountains He 31 at the small station and walked through fields and forest for 32 kilometers Then he saw a farmer in the field Good morning Mr White said to him are there any deer here Well answered the farmer 33 There was one last year but the man 34 the town came and shot at it and it 35 to another place now I think 26 A will go out B went out C has gone D goes out 27 A began B have begun C are going to finish D will begin 28 A see B play with C shoot D look at 29 A if B before C when D because 30 A buy B bought C will buy D brought 31 A got off B got on C gets off D has got off 32 A few B a few C a lot D a little 33 A slow B quick C fast D slowly 34 A to B from C on D for 35 A has gone B went C
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