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七年级(下)期中英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. girlwithlonghairisfamoussinger()A. A;aB. A;theC. The;aD. The;the2. Therearelotofthingsinthepark,andweofteninviteourfriendspicnicsthere()A. todo;tohaveB. doing;havingC. doing;tohaveD. todo;having3. TherewillafashionshownextSundaycool!IlovefashionshowsalotIdliketoamodelinthefuture()A. be;beB. have;haveC. be;haveD. have;be4. Isthisyourbedroom,Kitty?No,itsmybedroom,not()A. parents;myB. parents;mineC. parents;myD. parents;mine5. Which is the correct way to read the number 2 ,500,110?()A. Twomillions,fivehundred,onehundredandtenB. Twomillion,fivehundred,onehundredandtenC. Twomillions,fivehundredthousands,onehundredandtenD. Twomillion,fivehundredthousand,onehundredandten6. IenjoyreadingofWilliamShakespeareItsgreat()A. work;funB. works;funnyC. works;funD. work;funny7. Weforwardtoyousoon()A. arelooking;meetB. looking;meetingC. arelooking;meetingD. looking;meet8. MyschoolisnotfarfrommyhomeItsonly()A. 10 minutesrideB. 10minutesbybikeC. 10-minutesrideD. 10-minutesbybike9. ChinaliestheeastofAsiaandthenorthofAustralia()A. to;inB. in;onC. on;inD. in;to10. Isthereintodaysnewspaper?No,theres()A. somethingnew;nothingnewB. anythingnew;nothingnewC. newsomething;newnothingD. newanything;newnothing11. seeingafilmthisafternoon?Goodidea()A. WhynotB. HowaboutC. WhydontyouD. Shallwe12. Excuseme,madamCouldyoutellmethewaytothemuseum?SureWalkNinthStreetandthenturnrightthefirstcrossingThemuseumis justatthecornerofthestreet()A. across;inB. cross;inC. across;atD. cross;at13. -isyourcousin?-About1.80meters()A. HowoldB. HowlongC. HowtallD. Howfar14. -Look!ThisismyunclesgardenItisagardenflowers-Wow!Whatabeautifulgarden!Yourunclemustbegoodatflowers()A. isfullof;growingB. fullof,growingC. isfullof,growD. fullof;grow15. LaosheTeaHouseisnearourrestaurant. Wearegoingtowatchshowstheretonight (今晚)._.A. GoodideaB. GoodluckC. Youre rightD. Haveagoodtime二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)A16. The map above is a map of _ A. Hong KongB. TaipeiC. MacaoD. Taiwan17. Where is Oluanpi? _ A. Its in the northB. Its in the southC. Its in the westD. Its in the east18. Tainan is in the _ of TaiwanA. southB. eastC. northD. westBThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, simply called the United Kingdom or UK, is in Northern Europe(欧洲) Around 65million people live in the UK It is made up of four countriesEngland is the biggest country Most people in the UK live here People who live in England are called English Their native(本族的) language is called English Almost(几乎) everyone in the UK speaks English and people around the world speak English too A few people in the south-west part of England can speak Cornish, a Celtic(凯尔特人的) language Scotland, to the north of England, is the second biggest country People here are called Scot- tish, and some speak languages called Scottish Gaelic, a Celtic language, or Scots Scots is a lot like English but is different from itWales is to the west of England Its people are called Welsh and have their own Celtic language It is also called Welsh Not everyone in Wales can speak Welsh, but almost everyone can speak EnglishNorthern Ireland is on the island(岛屿) of Ireland It is west of Great Britain The other three countries are on Great Britain Some Irish people live here and speak Irish, another Celtic language, or Ulster Scots, a dialect(方言) of the language people speak in Scotland19. The UK is made up of _ countriesA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six20. People in England mainly(主要地) speak _ A. EnglishB. CornishC. GaelicD. Welsh21. Ireland is _ A. north of Great BritainB. south of Great BritainC. east of Great BritainD. west of Great Britain22. Which is RIGHT according to the article? _ A. People in England only speak EnglishB. Scots is the same as EnglishC. Everyone in Wales can speak WelshD. Most people can speak English in WalesC Australia is a big country, but it is easy to get around. The beaches and deserts (沙漠) are just there, waiting for you. You can explore (探索) the big country in different ways.Air Flying is the best way to visit large areas in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australias landscapes (陆地风光) and relaxing lifesty
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