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高中英语 必 修 Unit 2 Working the land 2 单词单词 1 struggle vt vi 斗争 拼搏 努力 2 expand vt vi 使变大 伸展 3 rid vt 摆脱 除去 4 therefore adv 因此 所以 因而 5 export vt vi 输出 出口 6 regret vt 遗憾 惋惜 3 单词单词 7 focus n 焦点 中心点 vt 集中 聚集 8 reduce vt 减少 减缩 9 comment n 评论 议论 vi vt 表达意见 做出评论 10 disturbing adj 引起烦恼的 令人不安的 11 circulate vt vi 循环 流传 12 confuse vt 使迷惑 使为难 4 短语语 1 thanks to 幸亏 由于 因为 2 rid of 摆脱 除去 3 be satisfied with 对 感到满意 4 would rather 宁愿 宁可 5 build up 逐渐增强 建立 开发 6 lead to 导致 造成 后果 7 focus on 集中 注意力 精力等 于 8 keep free from of 使 免受 影响 灾害等 使 不含 有害物 5 考点过过关 1 struggle vt vi 斗争 拼搏 努力 奋斗 拓展 派生词 struggling adj 奋斗的 struggler n 奋斗者 搭配 struggle for 为 而斗争 struggle with against同 作斗争 struggle to one s feet 挣扎着站起来 练习 1 She the independence of her country all her life 她为祖国的独立奋斗了终身 2 His brother has the disease for two years 他哥哥和疾病斗争了两年 3 The man and went on 那个人挣扎着站起来 继续往前走 struggled for struggled against struggled to his feet 6 考点过过关 2 regret vt 遗憾 惋惜 拓展 派生词 regretful adj 后悔的 遗憾的 惋惜的 regretfully adv 遗憾地 搭配 regret doing 后悔做过某事 已经做过了 regret to do sth 遗憾地 要 做某事 还未做 练习 1 I say it is impossible 我遗憾地告诉你这不可能 2 I believe you will her 我相信你会为离开她而后悔的 3 I am for hurting her feelings 我后悔伤害了她的感情 regret to regret leaving regretful 7 考点过过关 3 comment n 评论 议论 vi vt 表达意见 作出评论 拓展 派生词 commentator n 评论员 搭配 comment on sth make comments on sth 对 作出评论 练习 1 He did not what I said 他对我的话未作评论 2 He is on political events 他是一位消息灵通的政治评论员 3 The teacher made on our compositions 老师就我们的作文作了讲评 comment on an informed commentator comments 8 考点过过关 4 thanks to 幸亏 由于 因为 拓展 近义词组 due to owing to because of as a result of 练习 1 the Internet the world is becoming smaller 因为有了互联网 这个世界变得越来越小了 2 the bad weather the match has been cancelled 由于糟糕的天气 比赛取消了 3 your help we were successful 多亏了你的帮助 我们成功了 Thanks to Thanks to Due to Owing to Because of 9 考点过过关 5 rid of 摆脱 除去 拓展 be get rid of 摆脱 除掉 练习 1 We have to these old newspapers 我们必须把这些旧报纸处理掉 2 It s not easy to oneself a habit 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的 3 We will be glad to him 摆脱他 我们将很高兴 get rid of ridof get rid of 10 考点过过关 6 be satisfied with 对 感到满意 练习 1 They seemed to our work 看来他们对我们的工作很满意 2 Don t what you have achieved 不要满足于你已取得的成绩 3 They the new house 他们对新房子十分满意 be satisfied with are satisfied with be satisfied with 11 考点过过关 7 would rather 宁愿 宁可 拓展 would rather do sth 宁愿做某事 would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 would rather do A than do B 宁愿做A事也不做B事 练习 1 Mary travel by train than by plane 玛丽旅行宁可乘火车也不愿乘飞机 2 He said he tell his age 他说他还是不告诉我年龄为好 3 They than at home 他们宁愿去钓鱼 也不愿待在家里 would rather would rather not would rather go fishingstay 12 考点过过关 8 lead to 导致 造成 后果 通向 通往 拓展 近义词组 result in 导致 造成 练习 1 Smoking can lung cancer 抽烟会导致肺癌 2 Too much work and too little rest often illness 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病 3 The road under repair our university 正在翻修的那条路通往我们的学校 lead to lead to leads to 13 考点过过关 9 expand vt vi 扩大 增加 拓展 派生词 expansion n 扩大 增加 练习 1 The population of the town rapidly in the 1960s 20世纪60年代 这个镇的人口迅速增加 2 The hotel wants its business by holding a food festival 这个酒店想通过举办美食节扩大业务 expanded to expand 14 考点过过关 10 therefore adv 因此 所以 因而 拓展 同义词 thus adv 因此 如此 这样 练习 1 Their car was bigger and more comfortable 他们的车大些 所以更加舒服些 2 We do not have enough money we can t afford to buy the new car 我们没有足够的钱 因此买不起这辆新车 therefore Therefore 15 考点过过关 11 reduce vt 缩小 减少 降低 拓展 派生词 reduction n 缩小 减少 降低 搭配 reduce by 减少了 reduce to 减少到 练习 1 The number of employees to 25 雇员人数减少到了25人 2 They the cost by 20 over the past year 过去一年 他们把成本减少了20 was reduced have reduced 16 语语法精讲讲 动词的 ing 形式作主语和宾语 动词 ing 形式由动词原形 ing构成 动词 ing 形式能在句中 作主语 宾语 表语 定语 宾语补足语和状语 但不能单 独作谓语 当动词 ing 形式作主语和宾语时 也被称为动名 词 1 动词 ing 作主语 1 动词 ing 形式作主语时可位于句首 且单个动词 ing 形式作 主语时 谓语动词用单数 例如 Seeing is believing 眼见为实 Reading aloud is very helpful for us to learn English 大声读 书对学英语很有用 17 语语法精讲讲 2 有时用it作形式主语 将动词 ing 移至后面 用形容词或名 词作表语 常见的作表语的名词或短语有no use no good fun a wonder a waste of time等 例如 It is no use complaining without taking action Complaining without taking action is no use 光抱怨不采取行动没有用 It was a waste of time reading that book Reading that book was a waste of time 读那本书是浪费时间 18 语语法精讲讲 2 动词 ing 形式作宾语 1 作动词的宾语 常用的动词 短语 有consider suggest advise look forward to excuse pardon forgive admit avoid miss keep keep on practise finish feel like enjoy can t help mind forbid risk等 例如 I am looking forward to seeing you 我很期待见到你 We can t help laughing when hearing the good news 当听 到这个好消息时 我们情不自禁地笑起来 19 语语法精讲讲 2 作介词的宾语 动词 ing 形式常作下列短语中介词的宾语 常见的介词短语有be interested in care about feel like insist on give up be concerned about等 例如 I have been used to living here 我已经习惯住在这里了 I m fond of collecting stamps and coins 我很喜欢收集邮票和硬币 20 语语法精讲讲 3 当need require want作 需要 解时 后接动词 ing 形 式作宾语 主动形式表示被动意义 相当于to be done 例 如 The radio requires repairing to be repaired 这个收音机需要修理 The room needs painting to be painted 这个房间需要粉刷 21 语语法精讲讲 练习 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空 1 Lydia doesn t feel like study abroad Her parents are old 2 Mrs Smith asked her son to stop play and listen to her 3 It is worth see the film a second time 4 We couldn t help laugh when we heard the funny story 5 read is a necessary part in
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