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第 1 单元课 题Unitt1 The lion and the mouse(story time) 课 型New第 1 课时主备人授课时间教学目标1.能理解并会朗读故事。2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole3.进一步巩固there be一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。 4.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。重点难点1.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole2.进一步巩固there be一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。教具准备 多媒体课件教学流程预设个性调整Step 1 Warming up and revision1描述人物,复习形容词。出示人物。T: Can you say something about her? S1: She is tall.2. Review the adjectives. T: Tall, thin, beautifulare all adjectives. (形容词) 板书形容词的缩写adj. Lets play a game of adjectives. T: big Ss:small同法复习其他形容词:long-short, tall-short, cold-hot, new-old, fast-slow, fat-thin, white-black, .strong-weak. (板书 strong-weak)T: Are you strong?(做strong的动作) Who is strong? 在黑板上贴出狮子和老鼠的图片。引导学生结合板书和简笔画描述狮子和老鼠的外貌。 S: The lion is The mouse isS1: The lion has a big face, a small nose, a big mouth, small ears, big eyes, big teeth. T: Great! What about the mouse?S2: The mouse has big ears. His head is small. His eyes are big. His teeth are small. T: Wonderful! Lets look at their teeth. (学习单词“sharp”)T: What things are sharp? S1: The pencil is sharp.S2: The knife is sharp.S3:The needle is sharp.S4: The glass is sharp.S5: The scissors are sharp.T: Yes, the scissors are sharp.Step 2 Learning story timeT:Today well learn a story about the lion and the mouse. 一、学生观看动画。然后判断:二、学生快速阅读,复习动词过去式并教学新的过去式。1.读一读,记一记 was , walked, wanted , laughed, caught, did , asked, saw, said , made , got 等。2.教学新的单词或过去式:wake-woke , let let , bite-bit 三、精读Story time 1.用中文说说这个故事的大意2. Read and order学生初读课文,完成书后的练习3. Ask and answer4.Listen and read5.Read in groupsStep 3 Post- reading 1 .Act it out2.根据课文图片和板书试着复述课文。Step 4 Checkout1. What do you learn from this story?头练习Step 5 Homework 1.听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。2.和同学脱稿表演教后反思或教后感第 1 单元课 题Unitt1 The lion and the mouse(Grammar time&checkout)课 型New第 2 课时主备人授课时间教学目标1.能根据提示复述课文。2.能理解形容词和副词的区别。3.能扩充故事,并进行表演。4.能对中外寓言故事有所了解。重点难点1.能根据提示复述课文2.能理解形容词和副词的区别教具准备 多媒体课件教学流程预设个性调整Step 1 Revision1. Review the key words and phrases.key words and phrases:large/bigsmall/littlestrongweaksharpbluntwake up/get up/go to bed/go to sleepwant to do/would like to dosome daylet sb dothe next day/the following day/the second day2. Review the story.学生分组讨论并填空。校对答案,学生齐读。学生试着复述课文。Step 2 Grammar timeT. Show : happyhappilySs. Do you remember?1)The girl dances _.(beautiful)2)Can you listen to the teacher _?(careful)Ss. think: 形容词怎么变副词呢?并说一说规则:adj+ly 。找出文中带有副词的句子,用直线划出来,并大声朗读。The lion asked sadly.The lion laughed loudly.The mouse said quietly.The mouse said happily.单独板书动词的形容词和副词,学生读一读:quiet quietly loud- loudlysad - sadly happy- happily出示excited ,请学生说出该形容词的副词:excitedly学生说说以前学过的其他形容词或副词:beautiful- beautifullycareful -carefully总结归纳:形容词变副词的规则:1)一般情况下直接加“ly”,quick-quick;quiet-quietly 2)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:happy-happily Step3 Checkout time1.T: Please look at the pictures, try to fill in the blanks. Discuss in pairs.2.Ss.The boy is running _ .The girl is shouting _.3.自由组词: run quickly; shout excitedly; talk loudly; laugh happily; read quietly; cry sadlyStep 4 Homework1.抄写并背诵故事中的新单词和词语。2.复习并牢记不规则动词的过去式。教后反思或教后感第 1 单元课 题Unitt1 The lion and the mouse(Fun time & Culture time课 型New第 3 课时主备人授课时间教学目标1.能对外国的语言故事和我们的成语故事有所了解。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up, let go。3.能够应用本课所学的句型:How can you help me?进行问答。4.能形成互相帮助的好氛围。重点难点1.学生对课文中重点词汇和句子的掌握。2.能根据故事内容改编并表演故事。教具准备 多媒体课件教学流程预设个性调整Step 1 Warm up and fun time1.比一比:说说形容词变副词,看谁说的好。2.Talk about the mouse and the lion.Complete the story. Lion: I am a lion. I am big and _. My teeth are big and _.Mouse: I am a mouse. I am small and _. My teeth are _ and _.Lion: I am _. I want to eat the mouse.Mouse: The lion wants to eat me. I am _.Lion: Help! Help! Who can help me? Mouse:I will help you. Look, my teeth are _.Lion: Thank you. You are _.Mouse: Youre welcome.Lion: I am not _. I am _. Were friends.Mouse: I am _, too. Were _.集体校对。Fun time :学生看图讨论并演一演。分组读一读。学生戴上面具到黑板前演一演。Step 3 Culture time1.T: We learned a story in this unit. What story?S: The lion and the mouse.T: What is this story about?S: animalsT: Do you know where it is from?2.Teach: Aesops FablesT: Look! This is Aesops Fables. You can find many animal stories in it.What stories do you know in Aesops Fables? Can you tell us the story?S: The Fox and the grapesThe Farmer and the snakeT: The book is written by Aesop in ancient Greece. We also have our st
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