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中考英语二模试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总分得分一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1. Doyouenjoyyourselfattheconcert?Yes. Ihaveneverbeento_onebefore.A. abetterB. thebestC. aworseD. theworst2. -Excuseme,butcanyoutellmewherethenearestbankis?-Just_goingfortwomoreblocksandyoullseeit()A. keepB. tokeepC. keepingD. keeps3. Millie, _doyoutakethecourseinDIY?EverySaturdayafternoonA. howlongB. howfarC. howmuchD. howoften4. Givemeachance, _Illproveittoyou.A. andB. tillC. thoughD. while5. -Couldyougivemeafew_onhowtospendthecomingsummerholiday?-OKLetmesee()A. hobbiesB. adviceC. suggestionsD. information6. IsMikecomingtothefashionshowtomorrow?Imnotsure. He_notcome.A. mustB. canC. mayD. should7. Thedeskisinamess. Wouldyouplease yourbooks?A. takeupB. takeawayC. takeonD. takeoff8. Afterworkinghardbitbybitforalongtime, TuYouyouwontheNobelPrizeinherseventies.A. successfullyB. widelyC. especiallyD. rapidly9. 一Whatdoyouthinkofthefilm?一ItsgreatItshows()A. whattheearthwillbelikeintwentyyearsB. howshouldhumanslivewithanimalsC. whathumanshavedoneinthepastD. howlongtheearthhasbecomelikethis10. WasSusanreallysorryforwhatshehaddone? .A. NotreallyB. welldoneC. NevermindD. Goahead二、阅读理解(本大题共12小题,共24.0分)AThe contents below are taken from the book Extra Reading for Middle Schools Contents Module 1 Our teachers Unit 1 Remembering teachers1Unit 2 Feeling new7Unit 3 At school in the past13Unit 4 The meaning of teaching19Module Task25Module 2 Trains and travelUnit 5 Happy holidays26Unit 6 A train-lovers travel pan32Unit 7 Train times38Unit 8 I love44Module Task50Module 3 Experiments Unit 9 In the laboratory51Unit 10 Teach your child science57Unit 11 Missing boy63Unit 12 Safety tips69Module Task75Module 4 Trains and travelUnit 13 Report to the school76Unit 14 A discussion82Unit 15 On line chatting88Unit 16 The future94Module Task10011. What skill does this book help students with? _ A. ListeningB. SpeakingC. ReadingD. Writing12. If you want to learn about school in old times, which page will you turn to? _ A. Page 13B. Page 44C. Page 57D. Page 76BStill in shock! I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to put into the suitcases (行李箱) Earlier that evening, Id received a call telling me that my brother was killed in a car crash Come as soon as you can cried my mother I wanted to hurry to her at once But my husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle Our house was in total mess Supper dishes sat on the kitchen table Toys lay everywhere I purposelessly picked things up and put them down Mothers crying went through my head again and again Larry called some friends to tell them what had happened Someone asked to speak to me If theres anything I can do, let me know But I didnt know what to ask for Suddenly, the doorbell rang It was Emerson He and his wife Donna lived in the block nearby Ive come to clean your shoes, he said I asked him to repeat Donna had to stay with the baby, he said, but we want to help you I remember when my father died, it took me hours to clean our shoes for the funeral (葬礼) Give me all your shoes I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen Emerson got to work right away Watching him devoting himself to one task helped me pull my own thoughts into order I told myself to wash clothes first Then, Larry and I bathed the children and put them to bed One job after another When we returned to clear the dishes, Emerson had left All our shoes stood in a line against the wall, clean, shining I couldnt help crying Early next morning, we left for the airport with all the jobs done Now whenever I hear of a friend whos lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer,If theres anything I can do Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that mans need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house-sitting during the funeral If the person asks,How did you know I needed that one? I reply,Because a man once cleaned my shoes13. The writer didnt know what to put into the suitcases because _ A. she couldnt do it on her ownB. she was too sad to do anythingC. she wanted to take everything to SeattleD. she was not good at housework14. Heres a time line of what happened in the story Which of the events should go in the empty box
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