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七年级(下)期中英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共20小题,共20.0分)1. 选出划线部份读音不同的选项()A. t alkB. w alkC. alsoD. h allway2. 选出划线部分读音不同的选项()A. ageB. vill ageC. t asteD. st ation3. 选出划线部分读音不同的选项()A. gr eatB. br eadC. br eakfastD. h ead4. 选出划线部份读音不同的选项()A. sometime sB. musician sC. problem sD. group s5. 选出划线部份读音不同的选项()A. show erB. nev erC. h erD. eraser6. Ilikeplaying _ basketball_ basketballunderthechairisfromYaoMing()A. a,/TheB. /;AC. the;/D. /;The7. Hecantsing_dance,buthecanswim_skate()A. and/andB. or/orC. or/andD. and/or8. Tellhim_lateagainItsimportantforstudentstofollowtherules()A. dontB. nottobeC. nottoD. dontbe9. Fredisforgetful(健忘的)Healways_hishomeworkathome()A. leavesB. forgetsC. leaveD. forget10. Myfamily _abigoneAllmyfamily_happy()A. is/isB. are/isC. is/areD. are/are11. Therearestill20minutesleft,you_comesoearly()A. dontneedtoB. dontneedC. neednttoD. mustnt12. Look!YourfatherisdoingsomecleaningHeoftendoeshousework,_he?()A. isntB. doesntC. doesD. dont13. Readmore,_youllbebetteratEnglish()A. orB. butC. andD. though14. Heusuallygetstoschool_hisbike,buthegetstoschool_bus_rainydays()A. on/by/onB. by/on/onC. on/by/inD. by/by/on15. -Thankyouforgivingmelotsofhelp-()A. ThatsrightB. ItsOKC. AllrightD. Thatsallright16. Shehasagood_andshehas_todoeveryday()A. job/manyworksB. work/muchjobC. work/manyjobsD. job/muchwork17. Imalwaysbusy_homework,butIstillspendhalfanhour_sports()A. doing/playingB. do/playC. doing/playD. playing/do18. Dontworry,there_enoughfoodinthefridgeHowaboutgettingyou_?()A. has;someB. has;anyC. is;someD. is;any19. Isthere_todaysnewspaper?()A. somethingnewelseonB. somethingnewelseonC. anythingnewelseinD. anythingelsenewin20. Tom _ hisfatherandhisfather_ young()A. lookslike;looksB. lookslike;lookslikeC. looks;lookslikeD. looks;looks二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AIf you usually take the bus or sometimes need to take public buses to school,there are some important rules you should know When you are waiting for the bus,you should wait at the bus stop,and stand well back When you get off the bus,make sure you and the driver can see each other,and wait for the driver to signal you before you cross the road in front of the bus Never go back for anything you may leave on the bus when it is starting Never bend down near the bus when you walk to or from the bus stop You should cross the street at a crosswalk or a street corner,and wait for the light to turn green or for the WALK crossing signal It is important to look carefully to the left,the right and the left again when you cross the street Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the areas around buses where the driver cant see youDont run between parked cars or buses Dont run across the street or through parking cars to catch up with your friends21. When you are waiting for the bus,you should wait _ A. at the bus stopB. on the streetC. at a crosswalkD. at a street corner22. It is important to _ when you cross the streetA. run quicklyB. wait for the light to turn greenC. look carefully to the leftD. look carefully to the right23. If you walk to or from the bus stop,you mustnt _ A. bend down on the busB. cross the street at a crosswalk or a street cornerC. bend down near the busD. look carefully to the leftthe right and the left again24. How to cross the street? _ A. Cross at a crosswalk or a street cornerB. Cross when you want at any timeC. Wait for the light to turn green or for the WALK crossing signalD. Both A and C25. This passage is mainly about _ A. safety rules for students by busB. safety rules for driversC. safety rules for students by trainD. how to cross the streetBIn England, people dont often talk to each other when they travel If you are on a bus or on a train, you can always see some people sitting and looking out of the window and other people reading books or newspapers English people often start a conversation (谈话) by talking about the weather So when you meet somebody in England, you can say Nice weather for the time of year! But it was a little cold yesterday, somebody may answer But it will get a bit warmer later, you can say Talk like this, and the English people will think, How friendly you are!26. Some people sit and look out of the _ on a trainA. windowB. doorC. roofD. hole27. English people often _ on the busA. talk a lotB. talk to each otherC. eat somethingD. read new
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