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.专业.专注.一“Youregoingtoanothercountrytostudy?. BBDAC DBDAB CBCAD BCDAB1.lucky2.adjust3.experience4.like5.wears6.final7.result8.obvious.9.customs10.understand11.miss12.similar13.watching14.self-conscious.15.form16.never 17.enjoyed18.established19.identity20.build 二The Olympics were first started by the Greeks and were very religious in nature. DBABA CBABD DBAAD BDADD1.competitions2. for 3.originally 4.important. 5.known 6.Apart 7.stadium 8.compete 9. allowed 10.shape.11. applauded 12. place 13. overpowered14. part 15.less of 16.since.17. Even with18. hosted 19.participated20. relay. 三Choosing your life partner is a decision that requires very careful thought. BADAC DAAAD BDADD CACAC1.lightly 2. rates 3.percent4. end up 5. compatible.6. share 7.keep8.free from 9. with10. completely11.uncomfortable12. the former,13.the latter14. will be15. how 16. giving17. respectful 18. consideration.19. enter into20. getting together四Universities are at their best when they do more than give students knowledge . ADCBA DACDA BAABC BCDCA1.program2. capable3. believe4. details 5. create 6. challenges7. fields 8. expresses9. provided10. solving.11.dealing12. take place 13.promote14. develop15. which16.confident17.carried out 18. about 19. highly20.sign up五There are two ways to spoil a child, that is, “overindulgence” and “oversubmissiveness”. AADCB BDCAC DCABC BCABA1. starves 2.decisions 3.struggle4. entertain5. tired6. without7.grows up8. spoiling9.givesin10.firm11.continuously.12.toomuch13.guilty14.advantage15.set16.ever-present17.limits18.respect19. miserable20. aware六How important are our clothes? It is interesting to. BDABD BDCAB CAABD CDBDD1. reflect2. fashion 3. elegant 4. smartly, 5.well-tailored 6. undoubtedly 7. formally 8. treasured 9.dressed.10. suspicion 11 .examined 12. on13. under.14.smelling 15. article,16. impressed 17. judging 18. expression 19. status, 20.t necessary. 七. Here are some secrets of living a successful life: DBAAC DADCB ABDDA BACBC1.responsibility 2. keeping 3.in4. goals .5.compare 6. question7. be8.Commit9. take10. build 11. on 12. but13.beyond14. process, 15. solved 16. instant 17. at 18.l achievement.19.to play 20. ahead八Career planning helps you to shape your career possibilities. BABDA CCBAD S CADAA DDCBC1.gathering2. Estimating 3. attractive 4. key 5. to 6. foundation 7.trends 8. enables 9. occupations 10. goals 11. instance,12. lead 13.periodically14.taken15.place16. improv17.fit18. attract19.move 20. what九Eachnationhasitsownoddcharacterwhichdistinguishesitfromothers. DDABB DDCAD CABDA CBABD1.which2.common3.in4.habit5.aware6.effort7.owes8.share9.neither10excuses.11neglected12evented13enerously14However,15run16deceives17progress18blames19duties 20unjustly十Pulitzer,American newspaper editor and publisher,helped establish the modern newspaper. DCBAA CBADB BCADC DDABA1.Brought up 2.moved 3.where 4.profit 5.meantime 6.organize 7.remained 8.shot 9.criticism10.purchased 11.equality 12.exposed 13.further 14.added 15.entertainment 16.business 17.give up 18.quit 19. exercise 20. awarded . word可编辑 .
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