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第 1 页 共 4 页 20182018 届初三年级考前模拟考试届初三年级考前模拟考试 英语试题英语试题 卷面总分卷面总分 120 分分 考试考试时间时间 100 分钟分钟 第第 I I 卷卷 选择题选择题 共共 6 60 0 分分 一一 单项单项选择选择 共15小题 每小题1分 满分15分 从A B C D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案 1 Yancheng is now pushing for the Five One Project in order to build more beautiful city A a B an C the D 2 The lift in our building suddenly broke down and we got trapped the floors A in B on C between D among 3 Recycling is one way to protect the environment and reusing is A the other B another C one D the others 4 popular Tik Tok 抖音 is nowadays So it is More than 100 million people share short videos on it every day A What B What an C How D How an 5 May we have a party when we graduate Miss Li Of course you That sounds fun and meaningful A may B could C must D can 6 I think Amazing China is documentary that I have ever seen A exciting B more exciting C most exciting D the most exciting 7 The documentary National Treasure is a of the development of Chinese culture A reward B record C review D report 8 As an international city Bejing the next Winter Olympics in 2022 A takes place B will take place C will hold D has held 9 The high speed railway connecting Yancheng to Shanghai will make it easier for people around in 2019 A travel B travelling C to travel D travelled 10 Stephen Hawking proved that we cannot be defeated by any difficulty we give up trying A though B because C if D unless 11 Now more ancient poems into Chinese textbooks to encourage teenagers to learn more about traditional culture A were chosen B are chosen C will be chosen D have chosen 12 Have you seen the movie Avengers III Yes of course I m wondering A when the fourth one was shown B that the heroes will come back C why it has such a sad ending D what did Doctor Strange see 13 Many cars use new types of energy which cost very little and will never A put out B find out C run out D turn out 14 I heard you have a chance to enter Oxford University I haven t received the offer yet A That s not the case B Don t mention it C Not at all D Never mind 15 The old saying warns us not to take the risk of losing everything all at a time A Burn the candle at both ends B The grass is always greener on the other side C It never rains but it pours D Put all your eggs in one basket 二二 完形填空完形填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 It was a cold winter s night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work I was tired and had a little 16 I worked in a 17 doctor s office and during those days many unexpected things happened It seemed that I was going to be late getting home today My husband who is a punctual 守时的 person would be ready to 18 again Maybe 19 I hurried I could still arrive home earlier I was going inside to 20 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter 柜台 I heard them asking for 21 to the local hospital It was the same hospital that I had just 22 a few minutes ago At the counter a young man was quite 23 He was trying to 24 how to get there with two other people One of them was 25 trying to give them a whole different route back It was then that I walked over to the couple and said Would you like to follow me to the 26 A look of 27 appeared on the woman s face I m going right by there I said and it was 28 I had just decided to do I got into my car and began the journey back I was trying to make them be sure they were right 29 me It took only fifteen minutes to get there I felt 30 than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone Later as I arrived home my husband teased 嘲笑 So you aren t ever late any more I said Sometimes it s good to be late 16 A headache B fever C cold D break 17 A foreign B busy C crucial D noisy 18 A relax B offend C complain D appear 19 A while B since C as D if 20 A wait B look C care D search 21 A money B trouble C directions D opinions 22 A risked B provided C called D left 23 A helpful B skilled C confused D active 24 A imagine B expect C explain D ask 25 A only B even C again D ever 26 A station B office C hospital D hotel 27 A panic B pleasure C sadness D peace 28 A everything B something C anything D nothing 29 A behind B before C below D beside 30 A duller B quieter C worse D better 三三 阅读理解阅读理解 A 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的从A B C D四个选项中选出最佳答案 共15小题 每小 题2分 满分30分 第 2 页 共 4 页 A Mom Knows Best When I was a tiny baby crying all night my mom sang to me and stayed by my side When I was tired and hungry she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in When I was two running through the field she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger When I fell and hurt myself she gave me a hug and lifted me up When I was seven coughing badly she said no ice cream for me But I talked back loudly I should be allowed to eat some Give it to me now When I was nine watching scary movies she said it d give me awful dreams But I shouted back I should be allowed to watch it I m not a baby When I was a teen going out with friends she said Please be back by ten But I talked back again I should not be told what to do I m seventeen now Now I m an adult t
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