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Learning English Some Advice Learning English Some Advice and Suggestionsand Suggestions Unit 2Unit 2 Unit 2 Learning English Some Advice and Suggestions 1 Around the Topic 2 Section A 3 Section B 4 Section C Leading in Exploring the Topic Plus Activities Warming up Text A Exercises Background Information Reading Through Exercises Related knowledge Sample Reading Exercises Useful Terms Section BSection CSection A Exploring the Topic Plus Activities Do you know that making mistakes could actually be fun and helpful It s true When you learn something new like a language it is often the things we don t get right that we remember the most So when you re practicing English don t be afraid of making mistakes this is how you ll get better and better Leading in Plus Activities Section ASection BSection C Directions In this section you ll hear a short talk about some ways to make your English better While listening try to complete the following chart 图表 with the information you hear 1 What is the first way to make your English better 2 To read as many English books as I can find 3 What should you listen to and watch 4 To listen to 1 and watch some 2 5 What should you do when you go out with your friends 6 To try only speaking English to each other 7 What is the fourth way to make your English better 8 To write down my 3 in English the news in English English films learning experience Section BSection CSection A Leading in Exploring the Topic 1 How did you feel when you made mistakes in your English learning upset embarrassed unhappy that I lost face very sorry uncomfortable English Chinese it was OK to make mistakes that making mistakes was natural in learning English Section BSection CSection A Leading in Exploring the Topic 2 What do you fear most in learning English poor pronunciation unnatural intonation making mistakes being unable to express yourself clearly being laughed at by others reciting new words Section BSection CSection A Leading in Exploring the Topic reading English newspapers and magazines reading English loudly every day watching English language movies listening to English songs talking with native English speaker doing more English exercises 3 Do you have any idea about how to learn English well If you do please explain Section BSection CAround the Topic Section A Text A Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic Watch she gave the wrong pronunciation of the word sheet in asking for a piece of paper and her teacher thought that she had said a rude word she heard a girl say Do you mind if I sit with you and she answered Yes loudly 李在书中写到她所经历的一些 可怕的 境遇 出租车司 机半夜将她和她母亲留在黑暗的停车场里 就因为她们不能用 英语告诉司机确切的地址 当她向老师要一张纸时 她竟然把 sheet 一张 的发音给发错了 结果老师以为她说了粗 话 她听到一位女孩对她说 你介意我坐在你旁边吗 她 大声地回答 是的 译译 文文 Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic These experiences taught Li an important lesson about learning English well You have to be brave Never be afraid of making mistakes You have to dare to learn the language you can t just sit in your own room and only study grammar You have to go and talk to people and listen to them speak Take a leaf out of Li s book 这些经历给李就如何学好英语上了重要的一课 你得勇敢 绝不能害怕犯错误 学习英语你必须要大胆 你不能只坐在房间 里学习语法 你要去和人交谈 去倾听他们的谈话 以李为榜样吧 译译 文文 Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic Meaning At the graduation ceremony on Sunday Li Zimo will make a speech to her 385 classmates 1 At Sunday s graduation Li Zimo will speak to the 385 members of her class Back Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic 2 Within four years though she has managed to become so fluent in English that she doesn t even have a foreign accent Meaning After four years of practice she is now successful in speaking English in as easy and smooth a manner as a native English speaker Back Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic Meaning When Li started helping Chinese students at her school after they had just come to America she noticed for the first time that they needed a book like that 3 Li first saw the need for the book when she helping Chinese students at her school after they had just arrived in the country Back Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic 4 but everyone does it Meaning but everybody feels uncomfortable when he or she makes mistakes does it makes mistakes Back Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic Meaning She said I want to show others that it doesn t matter if you make mistakes because you can obtain nothing if you don t take risks 5 I want others to know that it s OK to make mistakes she said that nothing can be gained without risk Back Warming up Exercises Section BSection CAround the Topic 6 she gave the wrong pronunciation of the word sheet in asking for a piece of paper and her teacher thought that she had said a rude word Meaning when she asked her teacher to give her a sheet of paper she pronounced the word sheet in a wrong way probably it sounded like the rude word shit and this caused her teacher to think that she had said an impolit
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