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.专业.专注.Unit 1 Nine to fiveOutside viewPart 1Samantha Graduation. What a day! Your life is about to begin! And then your parents sayMother Get a job.Samantha I tell you! Looking for your first job out of college can be pretty hard. Reading all the job listings is so annoying. Even trying to figure out what the actual job is can be difficult. Searching through the want ads can be so boring. And writing your resume is really hard work.Samantha I dont have that day open.Samantha Getting a job interview, and than going on it the whole process is pretty tough .Interviewer Sorry to keep you waiting. Uh, have a seat. I have your resume here, and youre interested in the assistants position.Samantha Yeah. Yeah, I am.Interviewer Well, the right candidate for this job has to be very outgoing and sociable. After all, it is a sales position.Samantha Well, Im a real extrovert. Definitely.Interviewer And the right candidate has to have great self-confidence. Customers need to fell that you know what youre talking about.Samantha Well, Im really self-confident. Um, I know what Im talking about and I think I can project that.Interviewer So, what skills would you bring to this job?Samantha Well, I realize that Im completely overqualified for the position. I mean, um, in my last job, I was running the whole place.Interviewer Oh, so youve supervised people?Samantha Yep. Five of them. So, obviously I could do this job, no problem. I also have really good computer skills. Um, what else do you want to know about me?Interviewer Uh Samantha Even though I was trying really hard, even though I had sent out about 300 resumes, even though I asked all my friends and relatives if they knew of anything, I wasnt getting anywhere! Despite all my best efforts, I was still unemployed.Part 2Mother Please, why dont you see a career counselor? Ill pay for it. Anything to help you get a job!Phyllis Samantha, Im Phyllis Stein. Welcome.Samantha Oh, hi, Phyllis. Nice to meet you.Samantha So. I figure, heck, why not? I met with Phyllis Stein, a professional job coach.Phyllis Interviewing is vital to getting the job that you want.Samantha She showed me how to prepare for an interview by doing research on the position and the company. And later, she coached me on my interviewing skills.Phyllis I am going to pretend to be your interviewer, and then well stop it and replay it and look at the video and see what we could learn from that. OK?Phyllis I dont think that you should go into an interview having not practiced with some of the questions that are pretty standard.Phyllis Tell me about yourself.Samantha Well, my parents my mom is a social worker, and my dad is an engineer.Phyllis Your preparation is really important.Phyllis What do you know about our organization?Samantha Well, I saw on, um, the Internet that you do business publishing? Right?Phyllis Theres a whole range of things that have to do with how you present yourself.Phyllis Why should I hire you?Samantha Oh, well, um, Im a really outgoing person, and I like, I like people a lot. Im responsible and nice.Phyllis You need to think about what the interviewer is actually looking for.Phyllis Samantha, what was a major problem that youve encountered and how did you solve it. Samantha I havent really had any problems to deal with.Phyllis Thank you. Now, lets look at your mock interview on videotape.Phyllis I think it boils down to preparation, presentation, and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.Phyllis Tell me about yourself.Samantha Um, well, my name is Samantha Green and, um, I grew up in Cambridge and, um, I went to Boston College.Phyllis Another way of answering it is not telling about yourself, but telling about yourself in relationship to the job. So, they dont care so much about your parents and that your want to live in Cambridge. They may need you to be able to be a troubleshooter. You use some examples in your life from being a troubleshooter.Samantha I havent really had any problems to deal wit.Phyllis One of things that someone who is an assistant in a trade show is doing, is dealing with problems.Phyllis You need to be sure that you stay, sourt of, on target with presentingpresenting yourself in the strongest possible way.Part3Samantha This time I felt a lot more confident when I went in for interview.Samantha I have developed strong communication skills. In college I worked on the school paper, and Ive brought some writing samples to show you. I also worked every summer at a bed-and-breakfast. I worked a lot with our guests. I booked reservations over the phone, got them what they need, and handled any complaints.Samantha Well, I feel like I didnt really wel
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