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Unit 1 Good friends Task objectives 1. Complete simple tasks following a series of instructions 2. Relate personal experience and opinions with the help of the teacher 3. Understand and explain information provided in tables and graphs Language focus 1. What do you do in your spare time ? 2. I like playing the piano . 3. Allan likes fishing . 4. He doesnt like shopping . 5. What are your favorite hobbies ?Topic words fish, play the piano, play chess, shop , have a picnic , listen to CDs Pre-task stage A. Its the weekend. What do the children want to do with their friends ? Look , listen and act .Presentation 1. Bring in some pictures of people doing things that make them happy .2. ( Books closed )Show the students the pictures like fishing , shopping , ect. Ask the students what are these people doing ? Encourage the students to answer like this : He is fishing . She is listening to CDs. And practice other sentences .3. Write the verbs for the activities .Ask the students What do you want to do this weekend ? 4. Show Tranaparency. Play the tape .And ask the students to repeat after it .Practice 1. Show Tranaparency. Point to the people on the page and revise or teach the verbs and the places . 来源:Z+xx+k.Com2. Read aloud or play the tape . Ask the students to repeat the words after you . 5. Ask the students to take turns or work in pairs to ask each other and answer about what they want to do .B1 Tim received a letter from his new pen friend . Read the letter and complete Tims notes.Presentation 来源:Z,xx,k.Com1. Photocopy the letter , put it in an envelope addressed to Tim . 2. Show the students the envelope . Ask them to guess what is inside .3. Repeat the name on the envelope .Tell the students it is from Tims pen friend .Practice 1. Show Transparency. Point out to the students that when sb likes a hobby or an activity and often does it , we put ing on the verb , e.g. Allan likes playing the piano . I like swimming . He likes reading . etc. 2. Tell the students to read the letter again .Ask them to complete Tims note about Allans hobbies by writing likes or doesnt like next to each of the activities .3. Check the answers with the students .4. Ask the students to work in pairs and take turns to make sentences using the notes to check if they have the same answers . B2 The students are talking about what they like doing in their spare time . Listen ,say and act . Presentation 1. Find out some interesting activities the members of the class like doing .2. Tell the students about one hobby a member has e.g. _ likes ing . He or she thinks its fun . Then ask another member of the class Do you like ing ? Do you think it is fun ? If the student answers negatively , tell the class _ doesnt like ing . He or she thinks it is boring .来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学科网ZXXK3. Write the words fun and boring on the board .Practice :1. Show Transparency. Read the conversation and ask the students to read after the teacher .2. Tell the students to work in pairs and continue the conversation .B3 Listen to Candy . Then write T for true or F for false after each sentence.1. Read the rubric to the students . Ask them to take time to read the sentences.来源:学科网2. Play the tape for the students.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K3. Check their answers . C A story Does Bob like sports ?1. Ask the students to describe the boys .2. Ask the students to cover picture 6 . Read the characters words with the students up to and including picture 5. Ask the students to re-read and tell the teacher what games Bob says he likes playing in picture 1. 3. Play the tape and they repeat the sentences .4. Role play and act in pairs .D . Read the story again . and then read the sentences below .Write T for or F for false . 1. Read the story again . 2. Check the answer with the students . Ask them to make the correct sentences for false sentences . E. Read the symbols and say the words .1. Write and explain the words to the students . 2. Play the tape .来源:学科网3. Say the words slowly and clearly . While task stage Do a survey .1. Tell the students to work in groups of four and choose a group leader .2. The group leader make a survey what his members like or are their favorite hobbies .3. The group leader tells the class about their activities .G . Listen and chant and write the correct days . 1. Play the tape for the students to listen to the chant . 2. Ask the students to join in with the words .Then ask the students to write the correct day of the week under each picture . 来源:学科网3. Tell the students to say the chant again to check their answers .H . Think about it . Tell the students that different countries have different names for the money they use .With more able classes the teacher can teach the names of the countries : Ireland, Australia and the United Kingdom ( t
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