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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 主题语境 人与自我 做人与做事 Words about 297 Time 7 minutes 语篇导读 自古以来 人们对英雄的定义说法不一 但英雄绝 不仅仅局限于手持武器为正义事业斗争的人 有些人不动一棍一 棒 靠自己的智慧和美丽心灵为正义事业奉献 他们同样是英雄 If you asked young children to draw a picture of a hero what do you think their drawings would look like Would their drawings suggest that heroes wear armor and carry weapons ready to fight Such images in children s drawings would not be a surprise as those are the kinds of heroes they see in movies video games and toys But not all heroes fight with weapons this is a message worth sending to young children Left unchallenged the image of a hero as a fighter is likely to stay with them throughout their childhood years A study done by the Barron Prize for Young Heroes team several years ago showed that U S teenagers considered Superman and Spiderman as heroes more often than Dr Martin Luther King Jr Gandhi or Abraham Lincoln Carefully chosen books can be used to give young children a better understanding of what makes a hero My favorite is Swimmy by Leo Lionni which I like to think of as a hero book for young children Swimmy the main character in the story is a small fish who never allows himself to get into a fight yet he becomes a real hero to other small fish in the sea His weapon or power source is an idea that he introduces to the group Swimmy s idea is to have the small fish swim together to create an image of being the biggest fish in the sea This idea along with teamwork is what saves the smaller fish from being eaten by the bigger fish In trying to keep others safe Swimmy works for a cause greater than himself he works to help others in need Swimmy never fights but he explains what makes a hero for sure 词海拾贝 1 armor m n 盔甲 2 weapon wep n n 武器 3 image ImId n 形象 4 unchallenged n t lInd d adj 未受挑战的 不被质疑的 典句欣赏 1 But not all heroes fight with weapons this is a message worth sending to young children 并非所有的英雄都用武器战斗 这是一个值得传递给孩子们的信 息 2 Carefully chosen books can be used to give young children a better understanding of what makes a hero 精心挑选的图书可以用来让孩子更好地理解是什么创造了英雄 3 Swimmy s idea is to have the small fish swim together to create an image of being the biggest fish in the sea 小黑鱼Swimmy的想法就是让小鱼们一起游泳 在海里制造一条 最大鱼的形象 4 Swimmy never fights but he explains what makes a hero for sure 小黑鱼Swimmy从来没有战斗过 但他诠释了什么创造英雄 毫无 疑问 理解诱思 1 What would be the best title of the passage A The Kinds of Heroes of the Children B Heroes Without Weapons C Not All Heroes Fight D An Great Idea along with Teamwork 2 Why does the author call Swimmy a hero 答案 C 答案 Swimmy introduces his idea of teamwork to the group which saves the smaller fish from being eaten by the bigger fish He never fights but succeeds Section Warming Up Pre reading Reading 活跃的 adv 积极地 活跃地 n 活动 2 self n 自我 自身 adj 无私的 忘我的 adj 自私的 adv 无私地 忘我地 3 devote vt 献身 专心于 adj 忠实的 深爱的 n 贡献 热爱 4 legal adj 法律的 依照法律的 adj 非法的 不合法 的 5 violence n 暴力 暴行 adj 暴力的 猛烈的 6 equal adj 相等的 平等的 adj 不平等的 不胜 任的 actively activity selfless selflessly devoted illegal violent unequal selfish devotion 一二三 2 选择合适的词组填空 as a matter of fact in trouble turn to out of work be equal to 1 Jack is said to be If so we should go to help him 2 Who do you think the job Helen 3 Mr White and his son are now I m sorry to hear that They have to look for new jobs 4 More and more young people like using the Internet when they meet new words some of them are not able to use dictionaries 5 Who can help me with the work Mary is good at this kind of work You can her for help in trouble is equal to out of work As a matter of fact turn to 一二三 二 经典句式 1 However one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg 然而在那个时候 你要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可 2 the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached we have almost no rights at all 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利 阻挡我们的进步 一直到今天 我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段 this was a time when The last thirty years have seen a stage where 一二三 3 we were put into a position we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government 我们被置于这样一种境地 要么被迫承认我们低人一等 要么 与政府作斗争 4 to answer violence with violence 直到那时我们才决定以暴力反抗暴力 in which only then did we decide 一二三 三 阅读导学 1 Please make use of the Internet to find more information about Nelson Mandela 答案 略 一二三 2 阅读 ELIAS STORY 选择正确答案 1 This text is mainly about A a black man named Elias and his hard life in South Africa B Mr Mandela s life long struggle for the black people s rights C Elias description of his contact with Mr Mandela D the deep friendship between Elias and Mr Mandela 2 Elias had to leave school when he was quite young because A he couldn t catch up with other students in his study B his home was too far away from school C his family was too poor to pay the money needed for his study D he wanted to work with Mr Mandela eagerly 答案 C 答案 C 一二三 3 Was Elias happy to help blow up some government buildings A No because he disliked violence B Yes because he wanted to thank Mr Mandela for his help C No because he thought he might be caught and put into prison D Yes because maki
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