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1 高考语法高考语法班班 课后作业卷课后作业卷 by 程老师 姓名 2 Chapter 1 动词的时态与语态动词的时态与语态 A 选择题 1 If you don t like the drink you just leave it and try a different one A ordered B are ordering C will order D had ordered 2 Planning so far ahead no sense so many things will have changed by next year A made B is making C makes D has made 3 I wasn t sure if he was really interested or if he polite A was just being B will just be C had just been D would just be 4 When Alice came to she did not know how long she there A had been lying B has been lying C was lying D has lain 5 Experiments of this kind in both the U S and Europe well before the Second World War A have conducted B have been conducted C had conducted D had been conducted 6 Tom in the library every night over the last three months A works B worked C has been working D had been working 7 That must have been a long trip Yeah it us a whole week to get there A takes B has taken C took D was taking 8 Bob has gone to California Oh can you tell me when he A has left B left C is leaving D would leave 9 She was surprised to find the fridge empty the children everything A had been eating B had eaten C have eaten D have been eating 10 When I got on the bus I I had left my wallet at home A was realizing B realized C have realized D would realize B 翻译题 1 由于天气恶劣 航班延误了好几个小时 owing 2 一大早这些孩子就等不及要出门堆雪人 打雪仗了 wait 3 3 新建成的美术馆将从明年初开始免费对市民开放 open 4 在未来几周内 这些学校将要安装网络设备为了方便学生获取所需信息 install 5 现在就预订展览会的门票 你将有机会欣赏到众多的艺术作品 chance 4 Chapter 2 名词性从句名词性从句 A 选择题 1 When we arrived in our apartment was supposed to be all I could see was a school A where B what C that D which 2 We all consider of great importance that we should combine theory with practice A that B it C which D this 3 Give the prize to you think did the work well A who B whoever C whomever D whatever 4 Did you go to watch the football match No but I wish I A did B went C had D would 5 The owner of the shop came to see what A the matter was B the wrong was C was the matter D was the wrong 6 We don t care they will not come tomorrow A whether B if C when D that 7 I know nothing about the accident I read in the newspaper A except what B except that C except for D except 8 It is he said disappointed me A what that B that that C what what D that what 9 What has made Vietnam it is today A that B for C which D what 10 He never works hard And that s he seldom passes the exams A what B that C which D why B 翻译题 1 我真希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报 hope 2 将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己 be up to it 3 药品没有广告说得那么有效 我服了药后 没有缓解我的咳嗽 as as 5 4 她的内心深处一直存着一个疑惑 她可能是 18 年前被父母领养的 In the depth 5 能否坚持自己所做的事情是一个人取得成功的重要因素之一 persevere 6 Chapter 3 情态动词和虚拟语气情态动词和虚拟语气 A 选择题 1 The room is so dirty we clean it Of course A Will B Shall C Would D Do 2 I have lost one of my gloves I it somewhere A must drop B must have dropped C must be dropping D must have been dropped 3 Mr Bush is on time for everything How it be that he was late for the opening ceremony A can B should C may D must 4 Are you coming to Jeff s party I m not sure I go to the concert instead A must B would C should D might 5 I was really anxious about you You home without a word A mustn t leave B shouldn t have left C couldn t have left D needn t leave 6 Is John coming by train He should but he not He likes driving his car A must B can C need D may 7 A left luggage office is a place where bags be left for a short time especially at a railway station A should B can C must D will 8 He have completed his work otherwise he wouldn t be enjoying himself by the seaside A should B must C wouldn t D can t 9 What s the name Khulaifi I spell for you A Shall B Would C Can D Might 10 In crowded places like airports and railway stations you take care of your luggage A can B may C must D will B 翻译题 1 我们应该养成看报的习惯 因为读报有助于我们及时了解发生在国内外的各种事件 inform 2 应该允许孩子们表达他们自己的想法 allow 7 3 这位专家的建议是学校应该努力提高学生们的健康意识 suggestion 4 很多珍稀动物已经灭绝的原因是它们无法适应新的环境 因此我们必须更加注重保持生 态平衡 so 5 万一我这次失败了 我会等待另一个机会 8 Chapter 4 定语从句定语从句 A 选择题 1 Can you tell me the name of the museum you visited last month A what B where C D when 2 The woman was John s wife A I spoke to her B whom I spoke to her C that I spoke D I spoke to 3 The six blind men asked for money from people by A passed B who passed C who were passed D who passing 4 The scientist was such a great success that there were very few people admire his talents A that B would C D but 5 The reason I am writing to you is I want to invite you to attend the meeting held this Saturday afternoon A which that B for that C why that D why because 6 When he came back from abroad the professor told us about the cities and the people he had visited A that B whom C which D where 7 Under the leadership of the Party there are no complicated and difficult problems we can t solve A which B that C but D as 8 On such a cold night the only thing matters is to find some firewood and make a fire A that B which C D we 9 Jane is a fan of Beckham so any news him interests her a lot A which concerns B that concerns C which is concerned D that is concerned 10 is generally acc
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