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英语试卷参考答案(1)I. 1-5 CACBBII. 6-10 ACBBAIII. 11-14 ACCA 15-18 BACBIV. 19-21 CBA 22-25 CABBV. 26-30 CABCC 31-35 ADDADVI. 36-40 CABCA 41-45 BDACDVII. 46-50 CADBC 51-55 DDABB 56-60 DBABCVIII. 61. art 62. pictures 63. new 64. winner 65. 998-1203IX. 66. thankful67. presents68. History books.69. Because she could wear it to keep warm when she was in the garden on cold days.70. 玛丽趁妈妈不在身边的时候花了很多时间织(围巾)。X. 71. called 72. early 73. highest 74. for 75. kinds 76. health 77. fall 78. and 79. the 80. catchingXI. A) 81. What do you often do on weekends?82. I went to the zoo last Sunday. 83. There are all kinds of animals there. 84. How cute they are! 85. Lets try to protect animals.B) one possible version: Hello, everyone!Im Li Hua and Im very happy to stand here to talk about my favorite subject. Of all my subjects, I like English best. I think English is a beautiful language. It is not only interesting but also useful. By learning it, I can enjoy many English songs and movies, which can make me relaxed and help me a lot in my study as well. Now Im good at English, so I can communicate with foreigners freely and even give them help when necessary. Thanks to English, my life becomes more colorful.I will be a senior high school student soon. I will work harder at English in order to make greater progress in my new school.Thanks for your attention!附:录音材料2018年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试(1)听力部分。听力部分共分两小节。第一节为选择题;第二节为非选择题。两部分分别在卷I和卷II。现在是听力试音时间。M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the cinema?W: Which cinema?M: The Capital Cinema.W: Oh, its a long way from here. Youd better take a bus.M: Which bus shall I take then?W: I think you need to take No. 7.M: Thanks a lot.W: Youre welcome.试音到此结束。听力部分(第一节)第一题:听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。No. 1. Kathy, would you please get me some chalk?No. 2. He put on his coat and went out.No. 3. The password of the Wi-Fi in this hotel is 321416.No. 4. I went to work on foot yesterday.No. 5. He is the person that we should look up to.第二题:听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答语。No. 6. Excuse me. May I use your dictionary?No. 7. Thank you for helping me.No. 8. Lets play soccer after school.No. 9. Ive got a bad cold.No. 10. Please give my best wishes to your parents.第三题:听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。下面你将听到四组对话和八个问题,每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确选项。请听第一组对话,回答第11题。M: Im really looking forward to the school dance this evening.W: Hmm, I dont think Im going. I havent finished my physics project.Question No.11: What will the girl most probably do this evening?请听第二组对话,回答第12题。W: Tom, would you like to drink tea or coffee?M: Neither. Just water, please.Question No.12: What would Tom like to drink?请听第三组对话,回答第13、14题。 M: Mom, can we have a picnic today?W: Sure, Jack. Where shall we have it?M: How about the seaside?W: Thats a great idea.M: What should we take for lunch?W: I can make some sandwiches.M: Yummy. I love it. Hows the weather this afternoon, Mom?W: Its going to get hot. It will be a good day for a swim in the sea.M: Great! Will Dad join us?W: Of course, he will. Wheres he?M: Hes sleeping on the sofa.W: Lets wake him up.Question No. 13. Where are the speakers going to have a picnic?Question No. 14. Who will join the speakers for the picnic?请听第四组对话,回答第15至18题。 M: Hi, Mary. Its Bill speaking.W: Hi, Bill. Sorry, but Im at work. I cant talk too much with you.M: I know, but Im going to the theater. Ive got two tickets for an opera. My friend works at the theater and sometimes he gets free tickets. Would you like to go with me?W: Thanks, Id love to. When is it?M: Tonight.W: Tonight?M: Yes, are you free?W: Im sorry, but Im working late tonight.M: Oh. Cant you ask your manager for a leave?W: I can try.M: OK. Bye.Question No. 15. How are they talking?Question No. 16. What does Bill want to invite Mary to do?Question No. 17. Where did Bill get the tickets?Question No. 18. Which of the following is true?第四题:听短文和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇听力材料和7个问题,听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后,根据所听内容,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确答案。请听第一篇短文,回答第19至21题。Tom is like any other teenager. He goes to school, does his homework, meets his friends and enjoys doing sport. But from Monday to Friday, Tom does something different. He cooks dinner for all the familymom, dad, younger brother Joe and older sister Emma. Tom says he loves cooking. And he thinks hes really good at it. None of his friends cook. He doesnt know why. But he thinks its great fun. In the past, Tom didnt help out at home. And his mom wasnt very happy with him. Today, things are different. And she is very happy.Question No. 19. Who cooks dinner for all the family on weekdays?Question No. 20. Whats the difference between Tom and his friends?Question No.
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