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Module 3 Unit 2 Language 重点单词 1 occupy vt 占领 占用 时间 空间等 使忙碌 教材原句 Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland the Angles and the Saxons occupied occupy Britain 单项填空 C in swapping their lives many immigrant workers in today s China have been working around the clock A Occupying B To occupy C Occupied D Having occupied 答案 C occupy的逻辑主语是many immigrant workers sb be oc cupied in doing sth 某人 忙于做某事 故选C项 一句多译 工人们正忙于建造新房子 所以他们现在不能给你帮忙 The workers are occupied in building new houses so they can t give you a hand now Occupying themselves in building new houses the workers can t give you a hand now Occupied in building new houses the workers can t give you a hand now The workers are occupying themselves in building new houses so they can t give you a hand now 点拨 occupy sb sth oneself in doing sth 使 忙于做某事 occupy sb sth oneself with sth 使 忙于某事 联想 occupied adj 使用中 有人使用 居住 不用于名词前 忙于 的 不用于名词前 被占领的 被侵占的 be occupied in doing sth 忙于做某事 be occupied in with sth 忙于某事 be occupied with doing sth 忙于做某事 occupation n 职业 占用 under occupation被占领 点津 He occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education 本句中 occupy意为 担任 2 replace vt 替换 代替 取代 把 放回原处 教材原句 French did not replace 取代 English as the first language 单项填空 Oh my God I ve burnt your carpet Never mind I have been planning to C it with a new one A change B remain C replace D place 答案 C replace A with B意为 用B替代 取代A 一句多译 玛丽将代替汤姆参加会议 Mary will take the place of Tom to attend the meeting Mary will attend the meeting in place of Tom 点拨 replace with by用 替代或替换 replace sb as取代某人而成为 replacement n 替换 更换 接替者 替代者 联想 表示 代替 的短语还有 1 substitute A for B把B替换成A或用A替换B 2 take the place of sb take sb s place代替某人 3 instead of代替 而不是 后接名词 动名词 代词等 4 in place of代替 3 access vt 进入 接近 使用 n U 通路 使用的 机会 权利 教材原句 It is important for us to gain access access to the Internet 单项填空 The facilities have been adapted to give A to wheelchair users A access B approach C way D vote 答案 A 考查名词辨析 句意 这些设施已经过改装 让轮椅使用者 们能够使用 give access to拥有 的机会 approach方法 途径 way 方法 vote投票 根据汉语完成句子 People are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date 人们正在学习如何组织 大量的信息以便他们能够后期进入 Cats should always have access to fresh clean water 应该让猫总 能喝到新鲜 干净的水 Computers should be made readily accessible to teachers and pupils 应当让老师和学生可以随时使用电脑 点拨 access to 接近 的机会 利用 的权利 have get obtain gain access to可以接近 进入 拥有 的机会 have no access to没有 的机会 无法接近 联想 accessible adj 可进入的 可使用的 可接近的 be accessible to 易接近的 能进入的 点津 access前通常不加冠词 且access和accessible短语中的to 是介词 在access to中 介词to后可接名词或代词 一般不 接doing 4 raise vt 养育 培养 提高 增加 举起 筹集 资金 提及 教材原句 After the Norman Conquest many English people worked as servants who raised raise animals 单项填空 Those who want to say anything more B your hands and then to speak A rise raise B raise rise C raise raise D rise rise 答案 B 考查raise与rise的区别 第一空表示 举手 选项中只有 raise为及物动词 第二空意为 站起来 所以选择B项 写出下列句子中raise的汉语意思 We must raise the living standards of the people 提高 I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my courage 提出 He had to raise a family 养育 A lot of money has been raised to help poor children to finish school 筹集 用raise arise rise的正确形式填空 The number of deaths arising from road accidents has been rising which raises people s concern about traffic safety It is hoped that the government should take measures to solve such problems 点拨 raise money collect money筹集资金 raise one s spirits使振奋 使鼓起勇气 raise one s voice提高嗓门 raise a family养家 辨析 raise rise和arise 原形过去式过去分词现在分词含义及用法 raiseraisedraisedraising提高 提升 举起 为及物动词 riseroserisenrising上升 升高 为不及物动词 arisearosearisenarising出现 发生 为不及物动词 5 concern vt 使担忧 对 感兴趣 关系到n 关心 忧虑 教材原句 King Henry was a poet who showed great concern 关心 for language 单项填空 Though working outside he is always B about his aging mother at home A satisfied B concerned C pleased D excited 答案 B 句意 他虽然在外工作 心里却一直挂念家中的老母亲 be concerned about对 关心 挂念 符合句意 be satisfied with对 满意 通常不与about连用 be pleased with对 感到满意 be excited about对 感到兴奋 完成句子 As far as I m concerned riding bicycles is a good solution 就我个 人而言 骑自行车是一个好的解决方法 If we could show express concern for others in need the world would be a better place to live in 如果我们对有需要的人表示关心 世界 将会变成一个更适宜居住的地方 Tu Youyou won 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in October for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria artemisinin 屠呦呦因为发现了有关抗击疟疾的新疗法 药物青蒿素而在10月份获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 They follow the rules help out and are concerned about the people they work with 他们遵守规则 帮助别人克服困难 关心他们 的同事 点拨 raise concern引起关注 with great concern非常关注 have no concern with和 毫无关系 show concern for表示对 的关心 It concerns sb that 使某人担忧 concern oneself with about 对 感兴趣 联想 concerning prep 关于 涉及 concerned adj 担心的 忧虑的 关注的 关切的 be concerned with sth 与某事有关 涉及 be concerned about for that 对 感到担忧 as far as sb sth is concerned就某人 某事而言 点津 concerned作形容词充当前置定语时 意为 关心的 挂念的 担心的 如果要表示 相关的 有关的 时 作定语要后置 例如 a concerned mother一位担心的妈妈 all the people concerned所有相 关人员 6 distinguish vt 区别 辨别 使具有某种特征 教材原句 It is easy to distinguish distinguish their meanings by looking at them fo
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